Pathways #39 (PFRPG) PDF

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Pathways of Amber!

How can you say "No" to a FREE collection of Pathfinder templates, digital realms, interviews, NPCs, and another new Comic by Jacob Blackmon. If you say no designer Steven D. Russell and artist Julia Metzger will send a Amber Unicorn after you! 

Rite Publishing brings you Pathways, a free 'zine packed with plenty of Open Gaming Content for you to take to the table. You'll find articles by Steven D. Russell (1001 Spells), Liz Winters (Lone Wolf Development), and Creighton Broadhurst (Raging Swan Press). You will also find reviews of the best 3PP material available, plus an interview with Wolfgang Baur of Kobold Press.

Pages: 37

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5.00/5 (based on 1 rating)

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An micro-review


As you may have noticed, real life’s been busy – so I’m trying to catch up to the backlog and hence, I had to make a decision – while usually, I write full reviews for Pathways-issues, this time, I’ll just give you brief bullet points for each issue – they’re free, after all, so go and download them and judge for yourself!

Highlights: Truly stellar anti-movement, foes-engulfing amber creature template by Steven D. Russell. Glorious. Ghast wizard and minotaur fighter by Creighton Broadhurst also neat. Formatting of review-section AWESOME this time around.

Flaws: No significant ones.

Final verdict: For FREE? 5 stars + seal of approval.

Webstore Gninja Minion

Now available—and ooh, it's FREE!

Thanks for getting it up Liz.

Free sounds good to me :)

Reviewed in all the usual places.

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