Hadarai Valanara |

Hadarai is bemused by her statement.
"You have heard of those of our ilk? Sister Naenia, I am new among some of these companions, and find their 'ilk' to be mysterious and maddening. If you have some experience that might enlighten me to the nature of their ilk, I would be grateful for your insights."

Hadarai Valanara |

Hadarai smiles in what he hopes is a soothing way.
"Ah, yes. Adventurers. I suppose you can say that everyone is an adventurer, but some people have a certain calling for it. Those that are thrust into such a career by means outside their control are more 'unique' than some, and come from a variety of backgrounds and artistic awarenesses."
He gestures towards some of his new companions. "It is obvious to me that every adventurer's story is a unique one. And no lack of strange and exciting experiences have helped to define each of us. Some of the things that we have survived would curdle the blood of lesser persons. I am not entirely surprised that some of us should have manners and perceptions different from those the rest of the world shares. Mystery and madness are the artisan wines of life. Drink heartily when you can."

Grafire Serpenthelm |

"Yes indeed Hadarai, enjoy life every moment. You never know whats around the next bend in the road."
Grafire turns back to Sister Naenia, "I would very much like to visit this place and pay my respects to your hero. Is it possible for you to point out the direction of the battel field in case we have such a chance to do so in our travel?"

Fabes DM |

As Sister Naenia is about to answer Grafire, the little girl in the wagon abruptly standss up and looks towards the Warwood.
Just then, a heretofore un-noticed flock of crows raucously rises from the woods and flies overhead to the west interrupting the Sister. The three old women in the wagon cluster around the albino girl and in rapid succession, each takes a turn looking toward the wood over the head of the girl.
Sister Naenia looks startled and rushes back to the wagon to question them.

Akahale Gilbrid |

Seeing Hadarai's look of puzzlement, Akahale explains briefly.
"Mage Mandrake built a warforged manservant by the name of IT. A worthy and dedicated companion who was unfortunately disassembled at the tentacles of a scion of the demon lord Dagon ..." His voice trails away as he sees the crows rising.
"Ahem. Perhaps we should be wary."

Mandrake the Mad |

Manny looks skyward, watching the crows fly off. Akahale notices that his eyes are turned towards the wagon and the strange behavior there as well.
"Hmph. Crows. Dirty birds. Have absolutely no use for them. Not one decent part for a spell component." He declares disdainfully. Then tilts his head thoughtfully.
"Except Pies. They make a decent pie. You need a lot of salt though."
"Mmmm,... Pie,..."

Fabes DM |

No problem, I factored them in.
Forest: The Warwood is a tangled mess of trees and brush, causing it to be considered difficult terrain. Individuals in the forest have cover.
Your enemies gain a surprise round, which I will cover in the next post. Here's the init order.
Hadarai 31
Grafire 27
Shadowblades 21
Manny 17
Shaeryyn 17
Akahale 16
Berserkers 16
Mages 10
Otto 8

Fabes DM |

Forest: The Warwood is a tangled mess of trees and brush, causing it to be considered difficult terrain. Individuals in the forest have cover.
SB1 Charges Akahale 31 vs AC hit, 5 damage to Akahale.SB2 moves. B3 and B6 Charge and kill 2 Pilgrims. B5 moves to the wagon. B4 Charges Grafire - CRIT! 20 damage to Grafire. B1 Charges Akahale. 17 vs AC - miss. B2 Charges Akahale - CRIT! 25 damage to Akahale. Mage 1 casts Thunder Burst (affecting Manny and Akahale) - 14 vs Manny's Fort - miss. 13 vs Akahale's Fort - miss. MAge 2 casts Magic Missile on GRafire - CRIT! (er.. this is just weird now). 12 force damage to Grafire.[/ooc]
Total damage to Grafire - 20 normal + 12 force. Total damage to Akahale - 30 normal
Two hooded and cloaked tieflings rush out of the woods, one charging Akahale, the other heading towards the mass of pilgrims. Akahale feels a dagger nick him, which distracts him long enough for a snarling, burly man to smash him in the back.
Grafire is also cut badly by the axe of another berserker, as he then feels magical fore slam into him.
Soon all is chaos as other warriors burst forth and start killing hte pilgrims, who begin to panic.
Please note that I am assuming you have your weapons sheathed. Remember that unsheathing a weapon takes a MInor action, unless you have a Feat that states otherwise.
Hadarai 31
Grafire 27
Shadowblades 21
Manny 17
Shaeryyn 17
Akahale 16
Berserkers 16
Mages 10
Otto 8
Hadarai and Grafire are up.

Akahale Gilbrid |

"Flee, good souls. This is not a suitable task for you!"
Despite the sudden but inevitiable attack, Akahale raises his voice, urging the pilgrims to scatter.
9/9 surges
Akahale will have been plodding along with his rod in his hand, I'm pretty sure. Not that this is very relevant at the moment, but it might be.

Hadarai Valanara |

Hadarai slides noiselessly into action, unsheathing his sword minor action, which instantly bursts into flame free action. In an instant he disappears and reappears in another spot (teleporting via fey step enc. power to the square next to the horse and above the figure marked with a 1 - sorry, not sure what kind that is.)move action and strikes the figure with a valiant strike standard action.
1d20 + 13 ⇒ (6) + 13 = 19 vs AC
1d8 + 7 ⇒ (5) + 7 = 12 fire damage
Don't be afraid to correct me if I mess up on something. This is one of the first 4th edition games I've been in.
17/17 hp
12/12 surges

Grafire Serpenthelm |

"ArRg.. Away from the wagon!!" Roars Grafire as he draws his axe and attacks B5. "Nobody touches the child!"
Lions Roar 1d20 + 13 - 1 + 1 ⇒ (20) + 13 - 1 + 1 = 33 +1 from Bloodied fury
Damage - 25 ooh look that was a crit back :D
Grafire uses a heal surge. +19hp
56/69 HP
7/8 surges

Grafire Serpenthelm |

In an instant he disappears and reappears in another spot (teleporting via fey step enc. power to the square next to the horse and above the figure marked with a 1 - sorry, not sure what kind that is.)move action and strikes the figure with a valiant strike standard action.
I think at that spot you get a +2 flank bonus from Manny, if you attacked 2.

Hadarai Valanara |

Hadarai Valanara wrote:I think at that spot you get a +2 flank bonus from Manny, if you attacked 2.In an instant he disappears and reappears in another spot (teleporting via fey step enc. power to the square next to the horse and above the figure marked with a 1 - sorry, not sure what kind that is.)move action and strikes the figure with a valiant strike standard action.
Was gonna ask about that. I think you're right. I attacked #1. But Manny was diagonally across (kind of).

Fabes DM |

Tiefling 2 kills a pilgrim. Tiefling 1 misses Akahale - 17 vs AC.
Akahale finds himself surrounded by foes as a tiefling attempts to stab him in the back. Another tiefling makes short work of another pilgrim, stabbing him in the gut. The air is full of screams.
Manny 17
Shaeryyn 17
Akahale 16
Berserkers 16
Mages 10
Otto 8
Pilgrims - non-combatant
Hadarai 31
Grafire 27
Shadowblades 21
Manny, Shaeryyn, and Akahale are up.

Akahale Gilbrid |

Curse Berserker 1. Shift one square north east. Belch cold over the bastards. Dragon Breath (Ref). Close Blast 3
1d20 + 9 ⇒ (20) + 9 = 29 - v Berserker 1
1d20 + 9 ⇒ (17) + 9 = 26 - v Berserker 2
1d20 + 9 ⇒ (18) + 9 = 27 - Shadowblade 1
Damage: 1d6 + 3 ⇒ (4) + 3 = 7. Curse damage goes to B1.
Thoroughly peeved and highly distressed, Akahale forgets his manners and breathes arctic air over the transgressors.
"Flee!" he screams as another hapless pilgrim falls before he can prevent it.
EDIT: Lucky Berserker 1 takes 17 damage. The other two take 7 each.

Shaeryyn |

Shaerynn pulls her longsword free, and the eladrin moves to see the fray better.
Minor: Draw sword. Move: 2 south east, then 3 east.
Once she can see the attackers better, she points her sword at the sky and speaks mystical words. Mist rolls into existance at her command - mist with acid suspended in it and not water.
Corrosive Mist. It's an area burst 2 within 20 and I'm targeting it 2 NE of guy 5. So it'll catch 5, 6, and the one between them, not sure of his number, can't tell! Targets Fort. To hit vs: 5: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (16) + 12 = 28, 6: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (8) + 12 = 20 and the other guy: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (10) + 12 = 22. On a hit: 2d8 + 8 ⇒ (5, 8) + 8 = 21 acid damage (normally would be +10, but I don't have my wand out yet, so I lose 2 points.). In addition, the burst creates a zone of floating acid droplets until EOMNT. Anything that moves into the zone, or starts in it, takes 8 acid damage.
As the acid mist settles into place, Shaeryn keeps speaking, and aims her sword at one of the figures in the woods. Shimmering into existence next to the enemy is a demoness - a succubus that tries to put the enemy under it's control.
Summon Succubus, two north of figure one in the woods. She attacks as part of her summoning action. Ranged attack, targeting will: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (8) + 12 = 20. On a hit: 1d10 + 8 ⇒ (5) + 8 = 13 damage and that foe is dominated until EOMNT.
HP: 56/56, Succubus: 28/28
Surges: 8/8
AP: 0/1
Special: Any foe I strike with a basic or at will attack get a -4 to hit me until the end of it's next turn.

Fabes DM |

19 vs AC - miss. Berserker 5 is Bloodied and makes a Basic Attack against Grafire as a free action. 16 vs AC - miss. B5 attack Grafire -24 vs AC - hit for 13 damage. B1 attacks Hadarai - 22 vs AC - miss. B2 attacks Akahale - 18 vs AC miss. B3 and B6 kill pilgrims. B4 attacks Grafire. 21 vs AC - miss. Mage 1 - Dancing Lightning vs Hadarai, Akahale and Manny. 20, 23, 17 vs Ref respectively - hit, hit, miss. 6 lightning damage to Hadarai, 8 lightning to Akahale
As Shaeryyn's acidic mist descends, the feral warriors choke, and one cries, "Kill the fey witch!". Another starts to froth at the mouth and slashes wildly at Grafire, parried by the expert warrior. A beautiful but devilish woman appears in the woods, he laugh like tinkling bells and other overworn metaphors. She bows mockingly to Shaeryyn and blows a kiss at one of the wizards. The young man looks agog, and Shaeryyn knows she now has some of his powers at her command.
One berserker leaps out of the acidic cloud, his face a mass of horrid blotches, and slashes at Grafire. The dragonborn is gashed.
Manny 17 Delayed
Mages 10
1 Dominated by Shaerynn
Otto 8
Pilgrims - non-combatant
Hadarai 31
Grafire 27
Shadowblades 21
Shaeryyn 17
Akahale 16
Berserkers 16
1 Cursed
5 Bloodied

Fabes DM |

19 vs AC - miss. Berserker 5 is Bloodied and makes a Basic Attack against Grafire as a free action. 16 vs AC - miss. B5 attack Grafire -24 vs AC - hit for 13 damage. B1 attacks Hadarai - 22 vs AC - miss. B2 attacks Akahale - 18 vs AC miss. B3 and B6 kill pilgrims. B4 attacks Grafire. 21 vs AC - miss. Mage 1 - Dancing Lightning vs Hadarai, Akahale and Manny. 20, 23, 17 vs Ref respectively - hit, hit, miss. 6 lightning damage to Hadarai, 8 lightning to Akahale
As Shaeryyn's acidic mist descends, the feral warriors choke, and one cries, "Kill the fey witch!". Another starts to froth at the mouth and slashes wildly at Grafire, parried by the expert warrior. A beautiful but devilish woman appears in the woods, he laugh like tinkling bells and other overworn metaphors. She bows mockingly to Shaeryyn and blows a kiss at one of the wizards. The young man looks agog, and Shaeryyn knows she now has some of his powers at her command.
One berserker leaps out of the acidic cloud, his face a mass of horrid blotches, and slashes at Grafire. The dragonborn is gashed.
More pilgrims fall to axes.
Lightning dances amongst the new comrades, striking Hadarai and Akahale.
The pilgrims flee as more of them die.
Shaeryyn - you can make Mage 1 use 1 of the following:
m Quarterstaff (standard; at-will) ✦ Weapon
+5 vs. AC; 1d8 damage.
r Magic Missile (standard; at-will) ✦ Force
Ranged 20; +8 vs. Reflex; 2d4 + 4 force damage
Manny 17 Delayed
Otto 8
Pilgrims - non-combatant
Hadarai 31
Grafire 27
Shadowblades 21
Shaeryyn 17
Akahale 16
Berserkers 16
1 Cursed
5 Bloodied

Otto Samir |

Good thing it turns out I'm leaving tomorrow and not today, huh?
"Come on you fools, you're going to let a few bandits take you out?", yells Otto as he charges the nearest brigand. Akahale finds this strangely inspiring, and those near him can feel an inexplicable rage at the gall of these bandits to dare attack this caravan.
Minor, draw halbred. Move, use Ardent Surge on Akahale(2d6 ⇒ (1, 3) = 4 extra and +2 to attack until EOMNT) and charge Shadowdancer(?) 1 using Forward-Thinking Cut(adjacent allies get +1 attack): 1d20 + 14 + 1 ⇒ (16) + 14 + 1 = 311d10 + 7 ⇒ (5) + 7 = 12
Also, would one of our wizards be kind enough to tie up those three bandits up there before they get out of range and kill all the pilgrims?

Grafire Serpenthelm |

minor inspired word for Akahale if he wishes to use it. 1 surge +2d6 ⇒ (6, 5) = 11 HP
"Back atcha Scrufalafagus." Attack B5
Guarding Attack 1d20 + 13 - 1 ⇒ (14) + 13 - 1 = 26
Damage 2d10 + 5 ⇒ (9, 5) + 5 = 19
The AC bonus of +4 will apply to the sister in hopes they dont try to off her as well, until EOMNT.

Shaeryyn |

Instead of having the wizard attack, can I make it move? If yes, then I move him move into the acid cloud, ending up standing next to Berserker 5. If no, then I make it attack Berseker 5 with magic missile. 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (5) + 8 = 13, damage:2d4 + 4 ⇒ (4, 3) + 4 = 11 force damage. The move is my preference.

Hadarai Valanara |

Hadarai jerks a little in surprise at the oncoming electrical assault, but quickly recovers and shifts back into the dance.
Hadarai shifts one space to the south, move, makes a short invocation to Correlon and issues a divine challenge, marking Berserker 1, minor. With a cry of anger he strikes Berserker 1 with a holy strike, standard.
1d20 + 12 ⇒ (18) + 12 = 30 vs AC
1d8 + 7 + 1 ⇒ (5) + 7 + 1 = 13 fire damage.
71/77 hp
12/12 surges

Akahale Gilbrid |

Akahale bows slightly as Otto's words help him to focus.
"We must save the innocent. I shall thank you for your timely intervention at a more appropriate moment."
Hang on to the Inspiring Word Grafire. Akahale's back up to 54 thanks to Otto and no longer bloodied.
Going distance splatting as soon as he's not surrounded by melee bods.