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Woo! Hope you all enjoy the first of our Gothic Grimoires. Sorry for the delay in getting the product posted up here, but on the plus side that means a shorter delay before the next Gothic Grimoire goes live here! Next issue of Gothic Grimoires should be coming this Friday: On the Inverse Calculus of Unseen Refraction.

DankeSean RPG Superstar 2010 Top 32, 2011 Top 4 |

Just bought this last night, because as it turns out a surefire way to get my money is to give me yet more bard options.
Extremely excellent stuff; a lot of times I read new masterpiece ideas and seriously have to wonder if they're worth the cost. These seem to be worth sacrificing known spell and/or feat (plus a wee bit of your character's sanity...) The backstory is top notch, as well; and I absolutely love the Erich Zann naming homage.
But, I do need to make a note that both the product info above and the backstory fluff in the PDF claim that there are nine masterpieces; there seem to be only eight. (Maybe number nine only appears when the reader has lost a certain amount of his sanity?)
Not a complaint; this has value well worth the price and one less masterpiece than advertised does not detract from that. Just thought I'd point it out so someone can change the information as needed.

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Jason Nelson
why dont you just put it togheter at 4.99?
It's a fair question, and here are the reasons why:
While we released two in fairly quick succession, they aren't the only two in the pipeline. The idea for Gothic Grimoires is partially about content. Sometimes you have an idea for a product that isn't quite big enough to make a full-sized product without feeling like you're stretching it, but if you put it into a larger product it would feel imbalanced, like too large of a slice devoted to one idea.
Sometimes the idea doesn't necessarily fit well with other things either. The next product I'll be previewing for 2013 is entitled The Mad Doctor's Formulary, and it was originally a tome concept that Boomer sent me last summer that was slated for inclusion in Tomes of Arcane Knowledge, but it didn't really fit thematically, and mechanically I just kept wondering what exactly to do with making it work as a product. So, it got cut and pushed to the back burner. Then I thought about recasting it as a ki product for Meditations of the Imperial Mystics, but it really didn't fit there either.
That product was really in my mind when I thought of this Gothic Grimoires line of products - the product that is unique enough to stand on its own and to not fit well with other things. Now, ironically, it also showed that publication is a fluid business, because as I continued working with the text and working out the rules, it kept growing and growing. Ironically, Boomer's original idea for a tome, entitled On the Clockwork of Capillaries, now resides as a sample tome in a larger product devoted entirely to the concept of mad science and malevolent medicine. The piece of a larger product became an independent smaller product, and then grew back into an entirely new larger one!
So, yes, publication is fluid, but maybe the bigger issue I wanted to address was regularity of product flow. We are a small company that all of us do in our spare time, and that means product flow can be erratic. It also means we are subject to time fluctuations when we have a breakdown on the part of any member of the production chain, from author to artist to layout, for any reason. These smaller products are easier to COMPLETE than the larger ones, which means they can be done in and around and between larger product releases, thereby allowing you, the customer, to get a steadier stream of Legendary Games product.
That plan didn't work quite as intended, given that two of our key guys were temporarily waylaid by new babies in the family, but looking forward I think it should prove to be a useful product line to continue providing products that are:
1. Robust enough in concept to stand alone.
2. Don't necessarily have to thematically mesh with anything else, allowing them to not compromise on their theme just to fit in with others.
3. Easier for us to get to market on a consistent and regular basis, so we can avoid long gaps between releases.
Make sense?
i will buy this one too, you made me a fan of yours
Fiddler´s Lamment, Murmuring Fountain, treasury of the macabre, construction codex, and so, did we gonna see a portrait version?
Glad you enjoy the products!
As for portrait revisions, at this time I would say we are not planning on going back to our old products and producing portrait versions, if only because I don't know that there's a big financial incentive for us to invest in revising old products that way. That said, I am no layout expert, and if it turns out to be the case that translating those files into portrait is something that Liz can easily accomplish without a big time investment, then maybe we will, but continuing to get our current and future production on schedule and out to you has to be our higher priority.

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Just bought this last night, because as it turns out a surefire way to get my money is to give me yet more bard options.
Extremely excellent stuff; a lot of times I read new masterpiece ideas and seriously have to wonder if they're worth the cost. These seem to be worth sacrificing known spell and/or feat (plus a wee bit of your character's sanity...) The backstory is top notch, as well; and I absolutely love the Erich Zann naming homage.
But, I do need to make a note that both the product info above and the backstory fluff in the PDF claim that there are nine masterpieces; there seem to be only eight. (Maybe number nine only appears when the reader has lost a certain amount of his sanity?)
Not a complaint; this has value well worth the price and one less masterpiece than advertised does not detract from that. Just thought I'd point it out so someone can change the information as needed.
Maybe I've lost enough SAN, but I'm counting 9 masterpieces when I look at the product. Let me see...
Dance of the Empty Moons
Dead Man's Frolic
Masque Macabre
Mordant Coda
Music of the Spheres
Opus of the Golden King
Pnakotic Fugue
Scare Chord
Whoa, that is only 8, and I figured out why it looks like 9. In my original word document, there's a quirk in how the text looks when I "page down" through the document. Starting at the point where the first Dance begins, I see 2, then page down and see Masque Macabre at the bottom of the screen, then page down again and see Masque at the top of the screen/top of a new page. Even just now looking through it I could've sworn I counted 9 not once but twice, but on actually typing them out you're sure right, it's just 8.
The mind plays tricks on you for sure! I guess this product really DOES have the power to unhinge the mind! :)
My apologies for the error and my delight for the fact you enjoyed the product as much as you do!