Legends of Kitholan—Volume 1: Tales of the Long Forgotten Digital Album

Our Price: $12.00

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Epic quests, ancient mysteries, legendary battles... these are the threads from which Dronolan's Tower has woven this tapestry of rousing themes and scenic interludes.

Featuring over 60 minutes of epic fantasy music to enhance your gaming experience. Recorded with professional Hollywood studio musicians, Legends of Kitholan rivals your favorite blockbuster soundtrack.

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Dark Archive

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Listened to some of the sample tracks and they are pretty good. I like adding music to my games but it is often a pain to find some that fit. Anyways I noticed this is on backorder. Any idea when that might change?

I just emailed the manufacturer and requested more so hopefully it will be back in stock soon.

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
Jeff Alvarez wrote:
I just emailed the manufacturer and requested more so hopefully it will be back in stock soon.

No worries, thanks for checking.

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32

Very disappointing. Nowhere near the caliber of the MMidnight Syndicate: Dungeons & Dragons Official RPG Soundtrack CD or any of the Lord of the Rings soundtracks. The album does not make good background music for gaming because the tracks are up and down. There's a Celtic ballad, then an action scene/fight track, then a whimsical tavern track, then brooding track, then a whimsical magical track, then an action scene/fight track. My group was scratching their heads at the track order/arrangement on the CD. One of the whimsical tracks completely killed the mood on a villain fight. It's okay to listen to as a general listening CD, but is definitely not arranged to be used as background music for gaming.

kid america wrote:
Very disappointing. Nowhere near the caliber of the MMidnight Syndicate: Dungeons & Dragons Official RPG Soundtrack CD or any of the Lord of the Rings soundtracks. The album does not make good background music for gaming because the tracks are up and down. There's a Celtic ballad, then an action scene/fight track, then a whimsical tavern track, then brooding track, then a whimsical magical track, then an action scene/fight track. My group was scratching their heads at the track order/arrangement on the CD. One of the whimsical tracks completely killed the mood on a villain fight. It's okay to listen to as a general listening CD, but is definitely not arranged to be used as background music for gaming.

Did it actually occur to you that you should pre-select the tracks yourself?

Just wondering that's all :)

Why isn't there the complete album available for download? The single tracks together are more expensive than the CD.

Hyla wrote:
Why isn't there the complete album available for download? The single tracks together are more expensive than the CD.


Thank you for your interest in Dronolan's Tower. This is a very good question. I will ask Paizo about the possibility of offering a package download of all the MP3 files from the album for a competitive price. Assuming there is a way to do so, I will have it up shortly.

David Allen Young
Dronolan's Tower
Medieval Fantasy Music

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