N'wah |
As can I. :D
Designer Commentary: I've divided up the minis into three pages for ease of reproduction. The first page contains the four standard ogres (I refer to baseline minis as "mooks," BTW). This is the page I expect to be reprinted frequently, so I put it first in the list.
Second page is the ogre band; I figure most folks will use those as standard mooks, unless a game calls upon having some ogres having a hootched-up hootenany, so I wanted to let folks print those if they'd like, or ignore 'em if not.
Page 3 has the ogre lieutenant, who's slightly larger and has different-colored armor for ease of battlefield location; the ogre degenerate, since I assume most players won't need a lot of those unless they're all over blind near-mindless ogres, and the ogre chief (who I call "Pappy"), which most GMs will only need one of. The ogre Pappy is a full two feet taller than the mooks, and his distinctive red loincloth makes him an obvious target for PC aggression. Or fleeing in terror.
The cover's in there, too, so I guess the above are pages 2,3, and 4. I don't expect people to be printing that. But it is pretty, and I'd be happy to sign printed copies at one of my rare public appearances. :P
Tamago RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16 |
Ah, thank you Tamago. Not bad them ogres! Are you fine with the set or disturbs you anything severely?
No, I think this set is perfectly fine. It's a little small in comparison to some of the more recent Paper Minis sets, but ten different ogres is still nothing to sneeze at. I think they look just about as ogres should -- they look quite happy to be smashing things up in combat.
Most of the "eeew" with the ogres comes from their backstory and what they are doing in the adventure, not really how they look.