Pathfinder Miniatures: Hookmaw Kreeg, Ogre Barbarian

5.00/5 (based on 2 ratings)

List Price: $18.99

Our Price: $17.09

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Pathfinder Miniatures are 28mm white metal minis based on characters and creatures from Paizo's Pathfinder campaign setting.

Miniatures include a plastic slotted base. They are unpainted and may need some assembly.

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Average product rating:

5.00/5 (based on 2 ratings)

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Perfect representation


This is miniature is a perfect representation of Hookmaw. Lots of large areas with well defined details makes this one quite easy and quick to paint. Five stars all the way.

I only have one problem with this miniature:

Rise of the Runelords spoiler:

If you choose his miniature to represent Hookmaw, what are you going to use for Jaagarath? There isn't a ogre mini that get's to tower over this one. This miniature is just to good that if you choose to include both him and Jaagarath he would outshine him completely. So, we really need a Jaagarath miniature!

Monstrously Good


If you like your ogre miniatures very big and mean then you really can't go wrong with Hookmaw. The level of detail is typically excellent of Crocodile Games, its a substantial figure towering well over even the biggest 25/28mm adventurers. A beast that will have your players thinking twice...

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