Pathfinder Miniatures: Justice Ironbriar

5.00/5 (based on 2 ratings)

Our Price: $5.99


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Pathfinder Miniatures are 28mm white metal minis based on characters and creatures from Paizo's Pathfinder campaign setting.

Miniatures include a plastic slotted base. They are unpainted and may need some assembly.

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Average product rating:

5.00/5 (based on 2 ratings)

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Outstanding Figure


Justice Ironbriar, an unexpected thorn in the player's side early in the RotR campaign, and if played properly and introduced early, an unexpected threat!

The figure itself is excellent. While he looks nothing like either painted rendition, as he appears in the second chapter of the original RotR campaign book (his posture is the same, but that's about it), or his repaint in the RotR anniversary edition), he is an excellent figure. His posture suggests coiled action, but not menacing if first introduced as a benifactor early in the campaign. His legs are flexed for quick movement, while his left arm is placed forward to ward off a strike or reprimand a criminal (as he fronts as a lawful justice before his true nature is revealed), while his right arm is back, war razor in hand, ready to strike. He shows no real emotion on his face outside of a slight frown, thus not betraying him as a nemisis at first. His surcoat lays cleanly over his shoulders, large "shoulder pads" extending up, as if to catch a blade and deflect it. His obvious elven features are cleanly defined, but not overdone as to make him look freakish. And, if one looks carefully, they can see his reaper mask hanging on his right hip, as if ready to slip on and allow him to lead his cult followers into battle against the PCs!

1. Some minor mold lines, but nothing hard to clean. Took about 8 minutes to clean him up and get him ready for painting.

2. Excellent detail in his equipment. His war razor, while shorter than those held by his skinsaw cultists (see figure, also for sale), is bulky with a sharp edge, and looks much like it's razor namesake! The Reaper Mask on his right hip holds excellent detail, and looks identical to the drawings in the campaign book.

The detail and presentation of this figure is quite good. While there is defintely some challange for a beginning painter, it is still possible for them to make him look good. I highly recommend this figure for purchase and use!

Excellent representation of Ironbriar


This is a really good represenation of Justice Ironbriar, although the large "coat" looks abit dull without some freehand design. As a average painter i found it quite hard to paint.

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