Added Blessing Dice Type: Reword the Rewording?

Rules Questions and Gameplay Discussion

When I started playing the game I interpreted the rules as saying that whenever you use a blessing you always add a die or dice to the check of the same type as the associated skill for the check you are making. However, with the new rewording in an FAQ entry about wands, it becomes a little less clear:

FAQ wrote:

Resolution: On page 16 of the rulebook, change the following:

"The die or dice added are of the type defined by the situation and the skill that the character is using..."


"The die or dice added are of the type defined by the situation and/or the skill that the character is using..."

I'm thinking, based on logic, that the rule still defaults to always adding dice of the same type as the base skill die, if applicable. Meaning if you are using a skill for your check, you add whatever your die is for that skill, but if you aren't using a skill, such as with some wands, you add whatever die the wand uses. But the new wording can also be taken out of context, disregarding the original wording, and interpreted so that you can use whatever die is applicable to the situation. This would include adding the die of a higher type such as the die a weapon adds if it is higher.

I did look through other threads and it seems like we should still always default to the skill die type first, if possible. So, for example, I am currently playing with Lem and the weapon he has is a heavy crossbow. He gets 1d8 +1 for Dexterity and the weapon adds 1d10. If a blessing is played on him, he must add a second d8 and cannot choose to add a d10 instead. Is this correct? I just want to make sure since our group is currently just adding whatever the highest die is for the check. I'm not the owner of the game and everyone thinks being about to add extras of your best die makes sense. And again, the new wording makes me re-think it. If you should always use your skill die when possible, I'd like to suggest a new rewording for the rule:

"The die or dice added are the same type as the base skill that the character is using for the check; the character must already have an appropriate skill to make the check. If the character is not using a skill for the check, such as a character using certain wands which use a flat set of dice, the die or dice added are of the same type as what is used on the card."

Personally, I find the "defined by the situation" verbiage to be kind of confusing. What is the reason for it being in there? Does my wording work just as well?

But also, this kind of brings up the question, is it really that bad or overpowered to just add dice of the highest value which is already part of the roll? It would definitely simplify the rule and eliminate a lot of confusion, but maybe that's just me.

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First of all, thank you for posting an intelligent question after researching this area yourself. It's great to answer questions from people that have taken the effort to find things, but still come up confused!

pluvia33 wrote:
So, for example, I am currently playing with Lem and the weapon he has is a heavy crossbow. He gets 1d8 +1 for Dexterity and the weapon adds 1d10. If a blessing is played on him, he must add a second d8 and cannot choose to add a d10 instead. Is this correct?

Yes, this is correct. The blessings always add whatever the die of the skill set in the first action of the "attempt the check" step. I think you've figured this out already from your reading around the subject?

You definitely do NOT get to choose what die to add and do not just add the highest die you can!

E.g. if you have an ally that adds 1d10 to a perception check, but your character's PERCEPTION skill is 1d4 then you currently have "1d4 + 1d10". If you then play a blessing it gets you to "2d4 + 1d10".

Why was it reworded? I think the rewording is to address cards like Wand of Force Missiles (to which blessings add extra d4s). It is a little cumbersome and, personally, I think it could be more clearly written. Maybe third time lucky? ;)

I think your suggestion is ok, but note that you've put a mention that "the character must already have an appropriate skill to make the check". This is not actually the case. You can always choose to roll 1d4 for a check (e.g. Valeros can always attempt an Arcane check, he just rolls 1d4).

As a final note I think it IS over-powered to let the players choose which dice to add. In the perception example above it would change it to "1d4 + 2d10", ie. move the average result up from 10.5 to 13.5.

pluvia33 wrote:
I did look through other threads and it seems like we should still always default to the skill die type first, if possible. So, for example, I am currently playing with Lem and the weapon he has is a heavy crossbow. He gets 1d8 +1 for Dexterity and the weapon adds 1d10. If a blessing is played on him, he must add a second d8 and cannot choose to add a d10 instead. Is this correct?

This is correct. It's the die associated with your skill, not whichever die you want. In you example above, Dexterity (1d8) is "skill that character is using" whereas the 1d10 is simply being added to this die.

pluvia33 wrote:
But also, this kind of brings up the question, is it really that bad or overpowered to just add dice of the highest value which is already part of the roll? It would definitely simplify the rule and eliminate a lot of confusion, but maybe that's just me.

Example: Lini is using a weapon that adds 1d12 to her Strength (1d4). If 2 blessings are added to the check, it should be 3d4 + 1d12 (4-24), but if you picked whatever die you wanted (d12), you could make it 1d4 + 3d12 (4-40) instead. So... yes, picking the higher die (1d12) would be significantly overpowered in some cases, which is why this rule exists.

pluvia33 wrote:
Personally, I find the "defined by the situation" verbiage to be kind of confusing. What is the reason for it being in there?

Normally, a check has an associated skill, so the "skill that character is using" wording applies (this is also considered what is "defined by the situation"). However, there are cases where there is no associated skill (such as with some wands); these cases are why it exists.

pluvia33 wrote:
Does my wording work just as well?

Aside from being partially incorrect ("the character must already have an appropriate skill to make the check" contradicts the rule that you can roll 1d4 if you don't have a skill), it's basically just a more verbose wording of the original.

This rule is complementary to the "Determine Which Die You’re Using" step of "Attempting a Check" (page 11 of the rulebook); if you understand this step, then it should be obvious what die to add. If it is not, then it might make more sense to add wording here to explain situations where there is no skill, such as wands.

h4ppy wrote:
I think your suggestion is ok, but note that you've put a mention that "the character must already have an appropriate skill to make the check". This is not actually the case. You can always choose to roll 1d4 for a check (e.g. Valeros can always attempt an Arcane check, he just rolls 1d4).
Flat the Impaler wrote:
Aside from being partially incorrect ("the character must already have an appropriate skill to make the check" contradicts the rule that you can roll 1d4 if you don't have a skill), it's basically just a more verbose wording of the original.

Thank you both for your replies, but this particular statement that you both called out in my "rewriting" was actually not changed at all from the original. It was always there and it still there with the implementation of the current FAQs. So from my reading, page 11 and page 16 are currently in direct conflict. If page 11 is correct, then sure, just take that statement out of my rewording. I only had it in there because it was in the original. I guess this brings up a new issue all together?

And yes, I suppose that getting the highest die from the check is a little overpowered. I don't mind it and hopefully the rest of the group won't either. They've been complaining a little that the game is too easy sometimes anyway.

@pluvia33 - I know that wording is in the original RAW, but if you're working on improving them then you should take the opportunity to edit them for the better ;)

Yes, and if I knew about the words on page 11, I might have edited them better. But then again, if I did know about that part of page 11, I then would have had to first question, what would be the line that should be deleted? The one on page 11 or the one on page 16. I didn't make the game, so I don't know which line takes priority.

I don't have the page numbers to hand but the official line is that you can always use 1d4 for any check, even if you're lacking a given skill.

With the exception that you cannot attempt a roll to recharge a card if you don't have the appropriate skill listed. :)

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

pluvia33 wrote:
So from my reading, page 11 and page 16 are currently in direct conflict. If page 11 is correct, then sure, just take that statement out of my rewording. I only had it in there because it was in the original.

Yes, we should have removed that phrase from page 16.

I've updated the FAQ entry, and will eventually make the same change in the next revision of the rulebook.

The new text:

The dice added are normally of the type associated with the skill the character is using for the check; if a card instead specifies the exact dice to roll for the check, the added dice are of the type specified by that card.

Cool. That is much more clear. Thank you.

@Markon - indeed! I keep forgetting to mention that caveat.

@EverybodyElse - our work here is done. :)

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