Undefeatable 7: Paladins (PFRPG) PDF

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Undefeatable 6, which focuses on Paladins, has 25 feats including Aura Of Courage, Divine Protector, Fist Of The Gods, Instinctive Healing and Sense Corruption that are perfect for use in any game setting.

This 6-page PDF is just the sort of thing needed for GMs to add depth to any great Pathfinder Roleplaying Game session. Written by Simon Rocquette and Louis Porter Jr.

Undefeatable is the new supplement line for fans of The Pathfinder Roleplaying Game who are looking to add more interesting and different feats to their gaming sessions.

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The Exchange

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Armored Caster feat
* Essentially duplicates the Arcane Armor Training feat in the Core Rulebook
* Is useless for paladins, who are divine casters and not subject to arcane spell failure due to armor.

Sovereign Court

Anyone get this? What did you think?

The Exchange

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
Callous Jack wrote:
Anyone get this? What did you think?

It's not very well adjusted for Pathfinder RPG. The writers did not take the time to learn the new paladin class abilities, and so several of the feats either duplicate mercies or auras, or look as if they should have been developed to work with those abilities. Several others, as with the whole line, simply have very awkward metagame mechanics that would likely cause confusion if taken.

Sovereign Court

Okay, thanks.

Scarab Sages

Spelling errors. Feats that have no use for paladins. An extreme focus on undead. A couple feats that put an undue burden on the dm. One feat that has a paladin level as a prerequisite, and then details benefits for non-paladins.
And a couple feats that seem to try to take the burden of playing to alignment out.

All in all, there are one or two feats that are marginally useful and clearly displayed. All in all, I was disappointed in the content, especially given how well put-together their arcane trickster feats are.

Magicdealer wrote:

Spelling errors. Feats that have no use for paladins. An extreme focus on undead. A couple feats that put an undue burden on the dm. One feat that has a paladin level as a prerequisite, and then details benefits for non-paladins.

And a couple feats that seem to try to take the burden of playing to alignment out.

All in all, there are one or two feats that are marginally useful and clearly displayed. All in all, I was disappointed in the content, especially given how well put-together their arcane trickster feats are.

This is true, this is not our best work. But we are going through the entire Undeafeatable product line and are updating and re-releasing the PDFs with everything corrected. So if you have purchased a copy, you will recieve an update copy.

LMPjr007 wrote:
So if you have purchased a copy, you will receive an update copy.

Ah! The beauty of the Web! Botched work can be corrected through buyer input, the ultimate in consumer feedback.

The Exchange

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
LMPjr007 wrote:
This is true, this is not our best work. But we are going through the entire Undeafeatable product line and are updating and re-releasing the PDFs with everything corrected. So if you have purchased a copy, you will recieve an update copy.

Louis, I know I came down pretty hard on this line in my comments on these boards, but I appreciate you and your people going back and trying to improve it in a second pass. Thank you!

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