Simple Character Sheet (PFRPG) PDF

2.50/5 (based on 4 ratings)

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Here is a dirt-simple, clean, basic layout, Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Compatible Character Sheet. It has a background-free version along with a brick-like background for more color. It is no-frills bare-bones in appearance.

The best thing is how easy it is on your ink in printing.

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Average product rating:

2.50/5 (based on 4 ratings)

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It does the job


It's free, and for that reason alone you can't expect a lot of the sheet. It's exactly what it says it is, a simple character sheet. Nothing fancy, just the basic information and not a lot of room for detail, but it will keep an NPC straight. I'd rather use the official Pathfinder sheet for PC's and just jot NPC's down on 3x5 cards and the like, but this will work.

Too simple


It has an illustration field but other than that, you might as well jot NPCs on a 3x5, and save ink

Missing equipment area


This is a good simple character sheet, but it would be nice if it included an area for equipment/gear. Maybe the blank box in the front.

Works good for tracking NPCs


This is a very simple character sheet, as the designer states. But, as a GM, I found that this sheet works great for tracking NPCs stats. For NPCs that are only around for a brief time, but long enough to warrant something other than just a stat block, this sheet comes in handy. It has all the relevant information you need for that NPC, and doesn't have a lot of distracting art or images (on the background-free version, at least).

If you need a sheet to track your NPCs, this one will do the job without any extraneous information. And, hey, it's free!

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