Familiars—The RPG of Magical Pets PDF

Our Price: $5.00

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Take a Walk on the Wild Side

In a world where magic is a crime punishable with death, magic-users entrust their pets with their secrets—and their own lives. Play a cat who walks through walls, a toad who can turn invisible, a raven who can call rain... Familiars is a simple, fast roleplaying game that lets you play a magical animal working for a powerful wizard.

Choose from 14 playable character types: cats, bats, dogs, magpies, ravens, doves, mice, shrews, lizards, homunculi, owls, rabbits, snakes and toads! Select from 40 magic powers!

This book also contains a beginning adventure that can be used as the springboard of your first Familiars campaign.

Read the reviews on http://www.familiarsrpg.blogspot.com

32 pages, written and illustrated by Andrea Sfiligoi.

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Just a quick note to tell the RPG community here on Paizo that our introductory-level, fast-play Familiars RPG is available as a PDF. We designed it with the intent to bring more female players and youngfer players into the rpg hobby.

If you have any questions about the game, please post your comments here on join Ganesha Games' yahoo group http://games.groups.yahoo.com/group/songofblades/

Andrea Sfiligoi
Ganesha Games


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