Familiars—The RPG of Magical Pets PDFGanesha GamesTake a Walk on the Wild Side In a world where magic is a crime punishable with death, magic-users entrust their pets with their secrets—and their own lives. Play a cat who walks through walls, a toad who can turn invisible, a raven who can call rain... Familiars is a simple, fast roleplaying game that lets you play a magical animal working for a powerful wizard. Choose from 14 playable character types: cats, bats, dogs, magpies, ravens, doves, mice, shrews, lizards, homunculi, owls, rabbits, snakes and toads! Select from 40 magic powers! This book also contains a beginning adventure that can be used as the springboard of your first Familiars campaign. Read the reviews on http://www.familiarsrpg.blogspot.com 32 pages, written and illustrated by Andrea Sfiligoi. Product Availability
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