Behind the Monsters: Terror Turkey (OGL) PDF

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This is our very special Thanksgiving 2007 edition of Behind the Monsters. These pdfs follow a format similar to that found in the popular Behind the Spells series (also presented by Tricky Owlbear Publishing) so chances are good that, if you enjoy that series, this one will also strike your fancy. Each issue is narrated by Jadrin Nelv, monk of the Order of the Sacred Branch. Jadrin schools novice monks in the ways of the multiverse's creatures and we, the readers, get to listen in. Whether you're a player or a GM, you will find something of use within these pages.

Includes one new monster and three recipes!

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Gobble of Terror


This is fantastic.
So it is a Thanksgiving monster. It is the deadly sharp quilled terror turkey with its sonic gobble. I like this monster so much, I am distraught that I will have to wait a session to bring it in. The Xeran coming just before the terror turkey will feature.

We have the tale of the terror turkey, a history if you will that explains its presence and inner viciousness. What struck me most from this, is how easy it would be to turn the terror turkey origin story into an adventure for low level pcs.

The pcs could first hear about the regional turkeys by getting bargain rates on turkey meat from a travelling caravan, and shortly after, the region starts to get weird, and all manner of twisted turkeys start to attack out of the forests. With the pcs later encountering flocks of terror turkeys and losing an npc they know to the turkeys.

A few other things. The CR of the terror turkey is a bit too high at 5 (it does only have four hit die), although they do have some fine special abilities like the before-mentioned sonic gobble, their damage isn’t great. To make this turkey a real CR 5, I’d give it one hit die, a point of bab etc, and take the DR either to 3/--, or DR 5 against only piercing. Making trying to shoot the turkey a bad idea.
The turkey could also easily be made a stronger ranged opponent, by making the sonic gobble stronger and effect a greater range.

Treasure should also not read as “none”, but should instead be: “one fat turkey”.

Useful outside of game, this pdf also comes with some turkey cooking recipes.

5/5! No doubt.

Today, finally the pcs will face the terror turkeys (all other main and side quests having been completed).

The pcs are high level, so to give a challenge, I will be giving the turkeys barbarian levels and increasing the damage of the sonic gobble.

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