These pdfs follow a format similar to that found in the popular Behind the Spells series (also presented by Tricky Owlbear Publishing) so chances are good that, if you enjoy that series, this one will also strike your fancy. Each issue is narrated by Jadrin Nelv, monk of the Order of the Sacred Branch. Jadrin schools novice monks in the ways of the multiverse's creatures and we, the readers, get to listen in. Whether you're a player or a GM, you will find something of use within these pages. Includes one monster variant and one magic item!
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I’ll admit the Xorn is not my favourite monster, I haven’t used them in game since early this year; but this book also introduces the Xeran and that is what I like the most.
This is a fine foe for low level adventurers in any type of underground or dungeon locale. The Xeran is a natural skirmisher like the Xorn, but also comes with a very hot magma breath weapon (mmm magma) with a good range for tight dungeons. A smart dm can use these Xerans to provide a tough challenge if they are using earth glide in difficult terrain with the the ranged attack, or glide and close to use their good strength and many attacks on forward scouts or rear spellcasters, departing before they can be really hurt in turn. Basically, I am sold on the Xeran.
A few other comments: I would put the CR of the Xeran a little bit lower. They are a bit fragile for a CR 7, and would be much better as a CR 6 for parties of around level 5, not up to two attacks and +6 bab. The Xeran could even be a very effective horror monster if used properly, and if its twisted Lovecraftian form was not seen totally. Whether this foe really challenges players will ultimately depend on the terrain and DM’s skill at skirmishing.
This pdf also comes with a great cloak magic item that would be immensely helpful for high level spelunkers. A brief history of the Xorn in which their emergence on the prime material is tied to desperate Drow and the conflict with the Duergar. I found this almost as good as the Owlbear intro but with a bit more to it. This story also provides a reason for mithral-heavy parties to be attacked by more Xorn, which could add flavour to a campaign, and a cost to using that metal. Mithral is great for adventurers and often taken or sought after, but the Xorn want it even more. There is also a section on their willingness to ambush and seize loot—making them not so different to adventurers really.
The Xorn and Xeran will be coming for my poor players.