Sidetrek Adventure Weekly #6: Dangers in the Abyss (d20) PDFLouis Porter Jr. DesignIn a race against time to prevent a powerful gateway from being unsealed, a descent into the abyss beneath Black Dog Pit turns into a frantic battle against hordes of winged terrors. When our intrepid explorers reach the ancient cavern floor, they still have to face a vastly superior force, in the Dangers in the Abyss! Each Sidetrek Adventure Weekly episode throws characters into an action-packed encounter designed to electrify your game. Drop any Sidetrek Adventure Weekly directly into your adventure as a stand-alone combat. Or, if you dare, link all 12 into one pulse-racing, white-knuckle sidetrek adventure series. Jump aboard Sidetrek Adventure Weekly tonight! Written by Greg Ragland with Greg Oppedisano. Product Availability
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