D&D Miniatures—Night Below: Darkmantle

4.00/5 (based on 1 rating)

Our Price: $5.00


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This single miniature from the Dungeons & Dragons Miniatures Night Below tradeable miniatures set is molded out of high-impact plastic and comes fully painted. Use it to beef up your D&D miniatures army or add to your D&D roleplaying experience!

This miniature may or may not be in the original bag, and may or may not include the stat card.

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Average product rating:

4.00/5 (based on 1 rating)

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'Mantle of Greatness


The darkmantle never gets much love, but it's a good go-to for low-level ambush monsters, and it's suitably alien that my dungeons have always had a place for them. With that in mind, I'd like to send a little love in the direction of this miniature. It's a good sculpt, well shaded and easy to identify, and you can pick up a few of them for CHEAP in order to fill out that first-level dungeon.


I see how it is - put them in a gamemastery module just before they come out in minis form.... make me spend more money! (just kidding I would have bought a case anyway)

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