What to Buy Next?

Product Discussion

Grand Lodge

Maybe you all can help me make a decision. :) I'm converting to Pathfinder from 3.5, so I'm trying to slowly replace my shelf full of 3.5 books with Pathfinder books. I both play and GM. So far, I have the Core Rulebook and the AP book The Haunting of Harrowstone.

If I want to focus on playing, what should I get next? I'm thinking the Advanced Player's Guide.

If I want to focus on GM'ing, what should I get next? I'm thinking either the Boxed Set (for the battle mat and pawns) or the Inner Sea World Guide.

What are your thoughts?


Lex Starwalker wrote:

Maybe you all can help me make a decision. :) I'm converting to Pathfinder from 3.5, so I'm trying to slowly replace my shelf full of 3.5 books with Pathfinder books. I both play and GM. So far, I have the Core Rulebook and the AP book The Haunting of Harrowstone.

If I want to focus on playing, what should I get next? I'm thinking the Advanced Player's Guide.

If I want to focus on GM'ing, what should I get next? I'm thinking either the Boxed Set (for the battle mat and pawns) or the Inner Sea World Guide.

What are your thoughts?


The APG should be your next purchase. It offers a great expansion for the core classes and a bunch of new classes. But don't forget about GM tools, like the Bestiaries or GM Guide. My favorite has been Bestiary 2; just enough familiar monsters with the added benefit of your players not knowing what to expect.

If you are planning on going fully Pathfinder, the Ultimate Combat and Ultimate Magic books are very PC friendly while giving GMs the option of beefing up enemies and alternate systems.

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Player: APG. I'd hazard a guess that it's one of the best and broadly useful player resources ever.

Also, Inner Sea Primer for player-side intro to Golarion

GM: Bestiaries and Inner Sea World Guide. If you're a beginner GM, GameMastery Guide is a great help.

As for mats and pawns, I believe you will be better off with a Flip-Mat Basic and the upcoming Bestiary Box.

RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16, RPG Superstar 2012 Top 16

I assume you know about the PRD, which has the core books (like the APG and Bestiaries)? Granted, it's still nice to have the hard copies, but less essential. If you want the books anyway, I'd probably lean toward APG as a player and a Bestiary as a GM.

If you like/are interested in Golarion, I definitely think the Inner Sea World Guide is worth it, whether you're a GM or player, especially since it's not part of the PRD.

Grand Lodge

Thanks for the responses!

Concerning the GM Guide: I'm an experience GM and I have the 3.5 DMG. Is there anything is the GMG that I'll need? I flipped through it in the store, and it seemed like a lot of advice to the GM I don't need. I didn't see anything in there worth the cost of admission, but I may have missed something.

Concerning the Box Set. I heard it was a good deal for the flip mat and pawns. Any idea when the Bestiary Box comes out? Only problem with that is I won't have anything to represent the PC's (unless that box has some humanoids in it). Maybe I should encourage each player to get a miniature.

Thanks again for the input!

The GMG has some neat things. Most of these are in the PRD:

Chase rules
Drugs and Addictions
Sanity and Madness rules
Planar Traits
Treasure generation (like the 3.5 DMG)

The stuff that is "new" is in the PRD (I believe) - So, I'd skip it if I were you.

Concerning minis for PCs, you may want to check out the Paper Minis line which is immediately available (and priced for the budget-minded).

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