Expert Player's Guide: Renegade Wizard's Spellbook Hardcover (d20)


Our Price: $19.95


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The first of the Expert Player's Guides, the Renegade Wizard's Spellbook provides 256 hardbound pages jam-packed with variant spellcasting methods and a huge array of arcane spells.

This tome is the perfect companion to other magic compendiums—after all, who wants to play a wizard who only has access to the 'standard' spells that everyone else has? With spells and spellcasting rules drawn from the very best of Open Content sources, the Renegade Wizard's Spellbook is your one-stop shop for arcane power!

The Renegade Wizard's Spellbook features 100% Open Game Content.

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Anybody have opinions on this?

I don't know, the description doesn't say much about these spell variants...

Liberty's Edge

I actually own this... it's a collection of spells from across a wide variety of other d20 products, and Mongoose's own line of stuff. It's a pretty good buy, but the quality of spells can vary wildly from page to page. Some are spectacular, some may need some cleaning up. It's pretty useful as a non-Wizards Spell Compendium though!

Liberty's Edge

Just noticed the price on this... for that, it's DEFINITELY worth buying. I paid full cover for mine, and still don't really regret it. ALL the Expert guides were pretty cool.

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

A quick over view. It has a section on spells, how they work with some rules in it. Then 200 spells taken from OGL 3.5 products from a wide source. Some from there own Arcane series but also from other companies. It finishes with a few monster stat blocks a feat or two etc. Just to give you a idea where all they collected the spells from, there is like 3 pages of OGL listing what books was used. Anyways from their own stuff, to Green Ronin, to WotC, etc.

For the most part they look pretty good the spells they picked, but understand I have only skimmed the book so far.

So exactly what sort of variant spellcasting methods does it have?

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
SilvercatMoonpaw wrote:
So exactly what sort of variant spellcasting methods does it have?

It doesn't but it does list things like spiral area effects and more subschools, stuff like that. That is the rules I was referring to.

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