How to Write Adventure Modules That Don't Suck PDFGoodman GamesAt Gen Con 2007, Goodman Games ran its first seminar titled, “How to Write Adventure Modules That Don’t Suck.” The seminar was accompanied by a 32-page booklet available for sale only at Gen Con 2007. Written in the transition between D&D 3E and 4E, that booklet contained sage advice for aspiring adventure authors. Printed in a short run and sold only at Gen Con 2007, that booklet of advice has since become a rare artifact of die-hard collectors. As Goodman Games has once again offered their “How to Write Adventure Modules That Don’t Suck” seminar at recent Gary Cons and Gen Cons, we are making the original booklet of advice available digitally for the first time ever! This 28-page book of short articles is presented as originally published at Gen Con 2007. Although some of the technical advice is specific to editions of D&D that are no longer published, the core messages will apply to most adventure scenarios. With articles by Joseph Goodman, Chris Doyle, Brendan LaSalle, Adrian Pommier, Rick Maffei, Mike Ferguson, Jeremy Simmons, Ken Hart, and Andrew Hind, this manuscript should contain something that all aspiring adventure authors can learn from. Product Availability
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