Possessors PDF (d20)


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by Philip Reed

This 17-page PDF presents a new monster for D20 campaigns: the possessor. An alien aberration that looks something like an octopus, possessors bite down over the heads of humanoids and use the bodies as puppets.

This short, graphically intensive PDF is a mix of artwork (14 sketches, 4 interior paintings, and the cover) and about 4,000 words of text. This monster, all text and the visual appearance, is 100% open game content. While you cannot use the exact artwork in this PDF you may use the art as a guide and inspiration for creating your own.

GMs who do not enjoy fleshing out information for their game sessions may not enjoy this PDF. There is nothing intended for players in this PDF.

NOTE: There are two versions of this PDF—one intended for screen use and one intended for printing. Both versions are landscape, full-color, and very graphics-heavy.

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Liberty's Edge

I've read this document and I've thought it was great. I'm not the type to do a fully detailed review, so I'll just leave it here in the comments section. This is one creature I would love to see in a Pathfinder product. Be it a Bestiary or one of the other products like Campaign Setting. It has the darkness and the background that would fit it with all the other Dark Tapestry nasties, and it's fully Open Content, so.... Yeah.

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