zebulon8's page

Organized Play Member. 3 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 4 Organized Play characters.


The party in my game will be exploring two different crashed Swarm ships. Does anyone have any good Swarm deck plans? I can find a lot of good resources for "regular" ships, but for the Swarm, I need something special. I need something Geiger would be proud of that gives the feel of a bio-engineered living ship.

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Vexies wrote:

If you primarily run printed adventure paths this becomes a problem the moment PCs upgrade their ship. They can almost immediately make their ship so unkillable all printed ships become a joke

If you find the NPC ships are not tough enough there are really simple ways to fix this:

1: increase the pilot skill of the enemy pilot.
2: make the best weapons on the enemy ship turret weapons
3: upgrade the shields

Whoever moves last in starship combat will usually win. The pilot skill is the best determinant of this.

As ships upgrade so does their tier. Just make sure the NPC ships are also of the appropriate tier.

I get a skill feat from my background (e.g. it I take "Street Urchin" I get the "Pickpocket" skill feat).

If I select rogue as my class, do I get another skill feat for the class? The way I am reading it, I would say yes. This is from the class features for a rogue:

CRB pg180-181 wrote:

Skill Feats
You gain skill feats more often than others. At 1st level
and every level thereafter, you gain a skill feat. Skill feats
can be found in Chapter 5 and have the skill trait.

Ancestry and Background
In addition to what you get from your class at 1st level,
you have the benefits of your selected ancestry and
background, as described in Chapter 2.