Conchobhar Shortstone

zayzayem's page

Organized Play Member. 79 posts. No reviews. 1 list. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character.

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Arcaneumkiller wrote:

Also, the 3rd power is that if you run out of card , you don't die. Which is cool but at the same time really lame, because 95% of the time you are not dying, out decking out.

It never happened to any of us to deck out, it was close once or twice, but we use cure, and heal each others.

It's going to happen more if you are banishing a bunch of cards.

It also allow Nyctessa to use a very different playstyle. Particularly when she gets that reset from your discard pile power

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Was trying out the new card creator.

Made this from a 3rd level character I had in my first (and quickly abandonned) Pathfinder campaign.

Nokk was the last survivor of gnomes kidnapped by giants. He was rescued by a hermit wizard and trained in arcane arts. He had immense power but lacked most social skills.

Character Front
Character Back (ignore the cohort)

His powers represent:
*Force punching, he summons telekinetic fists to attack enemies from afar (he was part Willow, part Yoda for inspiration)
*Illusion resistance and/or an arcane ward
*Talk with animals innate ability (It's a less versatile form of Ekkie's innate bonus, mostly to make up for his low wisdom/survival)

Tall Stalker role
This is Nokk in his wild, nomad, giant killer form.
*Stronger force punch
*Better talk with animals
*Enlarge himself
*Shrink giants
*An ambush technique, but you have to find a way to evade those banes first (great team up with Merisel)

Keymaster role
This Nokk is true to his name, and can use his magic to open up doors and get the party in safely
*Can use his telekinesis to disable traps
*Can shield others
*"Knock" spell and other tricks
*Shrink yourself and the party to sneak in

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Troymk1 wrote:
Vic Wertz wrote:
It's only Combat damage if you're making a Combat check, or if the monster specifically tells you that it deals Combat damage. All of the monsters that require checks other than Combat checks specifically tell you what type of damage they deal; in the case of the Siren, it's Mental damage. So things that reduce Combat damage do not help with the Siren—only things that reduce Mental damage (or "all" damage).
Whalebone Pick's second check? What sort of damage?

Vic made a mistake.

See Hawkmoon's quote above from the rules book.

Damage from failing monster checks is Combat unless specified.

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cartmanbeck wrote:

Yeah, chronicle sheet signing isn't an issue, PFS people have figured out several ways (sign then scan, MSPaint signatures saved on the PDF, etc.

The most difficult part of running PACG online is the person who is posting the randomized cards knowing what they are. This seems best solved by the person running the game not actually participating as a player, and instead being a "GM" of sorts. Hawkmoon seems to have it down pretty well, so I think it's become pretty viable in that format. Perhaps we could come up with a way to reward these PACG "online GMs"?

I'm successfully (I think so anyway) running *and* playing in a PBF PACG game over on Board Game Geek ement

I use a spreadsheet to track cards.

The "Locations" are filled with dummy text (e.g. Monster, Monster, Barrier, Weapon, Weapon, Weapon... etc.) and cards are only actually determined at the point they are drawn. I called this a "quantum" system.

I use to generate the random cards.

It worked fine for the base scenario.

About the only advantage I have is superior card counting as to the ratio of banes/boons left in a deck and not having to rely on memory.