zarconww's page
Organized Play Member. 54 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 4 Organized Play characters.
Ahh so I see that it should be #2 on blahpers list.
The knife uses the Tiny and Diminuative rules and enters the opponents
square and is always flanking.
That brings up my next question.. I am a Wizard/Rogue, do I get to
flank also?
This spells calls forth a "Tiny" object. If there are no walls in the
way, can this dagger occupy the same space as a friendly player when it
maneuvers to flank?
This is a little slow, but not as slow as a Heavy Xbow... I have used
a Wand of True Strike one round and then a ranged touch attach the next
to almost auto hit every other round. Tis great for cantrips, Acid Arrow
and Scorching Ray.
The Guide to Pathfinder Society Play states you cannot aid another.
Am I missing 3 questions about this?..
If I put on a Headband/Ioun Stone of +2 Int... I get skill points
equal to my level in 1 skill... But...that pushes my Int over the next
bonus step.
1 Does it add the extra language?
2 Does it add the extra point for the Stat bonus to all the appropriate skills?
3 Does it add the extra spells per day bonus?
The rules state the traits you get must be of different categories even if you use a Feat to get 2 more. There are 6 different categories.
Here in is the confusion... there needs to be 7 categories.
Please update your Guide to Pathfinder Society Rules to make the Faction
Traits their own category. When I have them listed on my character sheet
as a Campaign Trait that it says it is, I am forever having to explain
what it is and pull out the Guide to show the Questioner, who says...
" Ohh you cant have any Campaign Traits".
Yeah, check out the Pregenerated Characters. They all have skills done
correctly. BTW how do you get the +2 for selected school?
Is this PFS? If so, you can buy level 0 and level 1 scrolls as Always
Available. Check with your GM for specific spells of higher level if a
NPC might have them, which will cost the NPC charge plus the scribing
cost. If you have another Player Wizard in a session, then get with him/her and the GM at the end of the session to trade spells. Otherwise, you can buy scrolls of spells of spell level 2 to 6 as
you can afford them and based on your Fame rating. You can take 10 on
the Spellcraft check between adventures to scribe the scroll, since you have Read Magic automatically understands it, and then
pay the scribing fee. I know my level 6 Wizard has the spellcraft to auto
succeed on spells to level 8 that way.
ZomB wrote: ZomB wrote: Note there is an Easter Egg behind the chase scene page. If you cut and paste the chase background you get a usable handout map of Absalom. That wasn't an April fools by the way, there really is a usable map behind the chase text.
Has anyone found a good paper token or mini for the donkey and small cart? Have you seen the pony with mine cart from the Games Workshop
Dwarven Miners box set?
Arent they rewriting and updating the Gods and Magic into a book for
early next year?
Alright, played Fri night and the GM used a Sleep Spell wrong. Well almost. I didnt start an arguement because all involved made their
saving throws. But I would have. The GM had the BBG cast the "is it
Deeper Slumber" spell that affects up to 10 HD of creatures. We were a
5 man party playing level 5 to 7 tier. We had 2 level 7s , 2 level 6s and
a level 5 in that marching order. The GM had all the party make a saving
throw. The spell should have just tried to affect the first level 7 at
the front and the other 3 HD would have been wasted.
Am I not correct?
First, you might have them choose a pregenerated character to learn the
game. You can always play a character and retrain him/her for free if
you do it before playing a character at level 2.
Then there is 5.5 on your list, assign skill points.
I would like to know this. I think that dice apps are an unfair
advantage and should be banned. Every session I have played in,
either the Gm or a player that has used a dice app, had extraordinarily
high rolls the whole session. One session every player used dice except
the GM and I think that Dice apps are not random.
Also there is the Beginner Box Pathfinder Society Character Creation Guide
a free download
All I can say is.... Eewww Yuck!
An Alchemist can learn a Formula from a Wizard's spellbook , if the spell
is an equivalent to a formula on the Alchemist chart only. Not just any
spell of the Wizard's list.
Yeah "BUT"... touch attacks and ranged touch attacks are attack actions.
I assume they qualify.
ROFL I did the Adamantine Shuriken again. HeroLab does it that way.
In HeroLab, you must buy them in a lot of 50 and the price is 150,010
GP and I selected Buy for Free to see them in my inventory. Then I sold
them back and the amount of gold over weighed my char...
LOL it seems that 150,010 GP weigh 3003 LBs
What does HeroLab say for a mithral dart?
What about a mithral greatsword? The Mithral dart is 250 GP 5 SP
the Mithral Greatsword is 4050 GP
Thanks for this tread. I am in total agreement of not only rolling
in the open but with just rolling dice. I hate the Dice rolling apps for
computers and pads. They roll high to much of the time and it is not in
the open. Rolling for some checks is a must when the players wont know
how much they know or perceive. But I have had a GM have all the players
roll dice in the open and he rolled on a Dice App.
Greetings... Have you tried HeroLab? You can input a custom weapon or armor and select the special material and it figures the cost for you.
I easily got the price for say a mithril daggar at 502 GP , an Adamatine
daggar at 3002 GP, 50 shuriken at 2510 GP and 50 Adamantine shuriken
at 150010 GP
Shinobikazuma wrote: Also Metamagic feats are your friends! With a Toppling Meta-Magic Missle you get a guaranteed hit and then make a CMB check to knock prone. At max level, 5 missles, 5 potential targets to prone.
Hey interesting idea, How do you figure the cost on a Wand with
a spell with a MetaMagic Feat on it?
You dont think you see it. My GM's ruling on this is... a caster in melee
is threatened and has to make a Concentration Check to cast a spell.
Concentration is an action and casting a spell is voluntary so is subject
to Bungle. And Bungle has a duration of Concentration +2 rounds on
that casters part.
I feel your pain when it comes to low level wizards and most of the
attacks are "ranged touch attacks". Your wizard would need a very high
Dex and buffs and feats to be effective. You are looking at the -4
to hit because all those tanks have gotten into melee and you are firing
into it.
Support is the way to go.
Hmm so you are saying that if I dont take my saving throw against something..... what will happen? and automatic fail? that is what the Gm's run around here.
WHERE are you getting your price sheet for writing spells in your spell
Quote.. Scribing Cost = 1/2 the Spell Cost
Level 1: 10 + 5 = 15
Level 2: 40 + 20 = 60
Level 3: 90 + 45 = 135
Level 4: 160 + 80 = 240
Level 5: 250 + 125 = 375
Level 6: 360 + 180 = 540
Level 7: 490 + 245 = 735
Level 8: 640 + 320 = 960
Level 9: 810 + 405 = 1215
from page 219 of the Core Rulebook , it says
" The cost of writing a new spell into a spellbook depends on the level
of the spell, as noted on the following table"...
level 0 5 gp level 5 250 gp
level 1 10 gp level 6 360 gp
level 2 40 gp level 7 490 gp
level 3 90 gp level 8 640 gp
level 4 160 gp level 9 810 gp
it does not say anything else..
Heya I dont know what rules you are reading ... but
The Day Job is a skill check. It uses your Craft, Profession or Preform
skill for the check. And YES you can take 10 on this check, but not 20.
And YES, equipment bonuses do ADD but not spells except for Crafter's
Fortune due to the duration of the spell.
"Permanent bonuses from equipment, feats, racial
bonuses, and traits affect your Day Job check as they would
any check for the rolled skill, but temporary bonuses
such as those granted by spell effects, other than crafter’s
fortune, do not contribute, as the duration over which
the Day Job check is made is undefined and represents
a longer amount of time than a spell’s duration would
permit the bonus to remain. You may take 10 on a Day Job
check, but you may not take 20 nor can you aid another."
See the latest Guide or Pathfinder Society Play
Been updated on Aug 5 , 2013
And if you use your Zip Code, you will find stores or clubs within 50 miles of you. I found 4 close to me that way.
Ohh,, I really need to finish reading the Ultimate Equipment book..
Yes...maybe spoiler..
On my 3rd Chronicle sheet, it has a wand at CL 3 (limit one) and then also has.. 6 different potions at 300 gp no limit stated and a Bag of Holding type I with no limit stated. My character cant really afford the bag quite yet but will before I get the Fame to buy it.
Greetings... go here and enter your zip code to find groups near you.
also go here if you haven't and join the society and get your number
and card...
on boons , hopefully it is signed, and you should keep with the character
you apply it to. I dont know if it can be used for all your characters.
How many of the rewards on a Chronicle can be bought off of one sheet
over the life of your character? I ask this because of a fellow player just might be abusing it. On most Chronicle sheets , some rewards are just
stated and others say ( limit one ) even on the same sheet. This is for all the items, potions, scrolls and magic items. It seems to say that the items listed with the (limit one) is just that and the others there is only the limit of funds, even though some potions and scrolls and the like may be level 2 , 3 or 4 and not on the readily available list, price wise. What I believe is,that it is an oversight on Paizo's part and they need to make a standard of the wording on the Chronicles.
I have personally used, in campaigns and in PFS sessions, Alchemist Fire,
Acid and Alkali flasks to target a square that a swarm is in to do damage
to the swarm. The splash my GM's ruled is for all the adjoining squares.
And I usually affected players with the splash, but they didnt mind because I killed the swarms.
Heya, I have a level 4 Wizard and have found that most of the "tank/melee"
players beat me on Init and move into combat and I cant fire off my better
area spells or hit them. I dont have a good ranged attack, either with
a xbow or ranged touch attack to offset the minuses firing into melee.
So what I have used to some success is a Wand of Bungle to give the possibility of a d20 check fail, especially vs casters in melee and they
lose their spell they were trying to cast, failing the concentration
check. And the duration is Concentration + 2r. If the target fails a save vs a Bungle and does not use an action that requires a check, then I cast again making the save vs the next Bungle automatically fail. LOL
Yeah we all laughed at the sunder thing.
But what about the Formula and spell books?
We had a player here that wanted this... His character is a Barbarian and he took Weapons as his Craft skill and said that because he knew how
to make weapons , he should get his craft skill as a bonus to Sunder
because he "knew" how to break them better.
Also, I am seeing a shortage of items as reward on Chronicle sheets.
There have been special items in a session , some magical and some
non-magical that have not appeared on the Chronicle sheet. Things like
special material items and ammo, a Mithral chain shirt, some magical arrows of "Abberant Bane", and Alchemist's Formula book and Wizard's spellbook. Do we get these?
One GM didnt allow it due to what it says about the skill being attempted
carries a penalty for failure. Learning new spells has a penalty for
failure of waiting a day til you can try again.
If you buy the +4 to one skill bonus with 1 PP , is this a one shot
skill check bonus or is it a permanent bonus?
The spell Break says the item gets a Fortitude save with (item) listed
after it. Does that item use just its Fort save or the Fort save of the
creature wielding it?
I have noticed that it doesnt say. I have a spellcraft of 11 and that would mean I would automatically succeed on spells of level 6 and lower
with just the take 10.
Can you take 10 on Spellcraft in Pathfinder Society play during the in between time of missions , ie the Day Job time? I have told by my Society
Officer that I can. This is for learning new spells and writing them in my spellbook.
Can you take 10 on Spellcraft in Pathfinder Society play during the in between time of missions , ie the Day Job time? I have told by my Society
Officer that I can. This is for learning new spells and writing them in my spellbook.
SenahBirdR wrote: A wand does not need to be "charged" over 50 days. The crafting spellcaster only expends the spell once a day based on base cost of the wand. So a regular 1st level spell CL 1 wand will only take one day to make (750gp base price), coming out with a full set of 50 charges. Now, a 4th level spell at 20th caster level is going to take 60 days (60,000 base price). The 50 charges are irrelevant to the amount of time it takes to make a wand.
Staves are extremely useful in Pathfinder, they essentially become the primary magical item of many caster builds. The thing to keep in mind is that in Pathfinder, wands are cheap bundles of easier to use scrolls, while a staff is a reusable expansion of spell slots and spells known. Staves are no longer super wands as they have less charges but do not burn out in the same way.
Personally I do not see an issue with double loading a wand enchant with the price surcharge for double loading items of limited slots. Personally I treat wielded items as the wielded set of slots. It keeps the economy balanced and has some precedent in how extra abilities on weapons sometimes work. Doing so is still limited to 4th level or lower spells, and would be more costly than an equivalent 3.x staff as staves receive a discount on secondary and tertiary spells because they use the same pool of charges. This was true even when staves were basically super wands.
I also don't see an issue with making wand-like alternative items, but as said above doing so would not get the discount of crafting a wand. There are advantages and disadvantages to taking up a worn item slot instead of taking up a wielding slot, but overall wands would still generally be better and cheaper.
As mentioned before, a nice bridge item might be a scepter from Lost Empires of Faerun in 3.5. Scepters allowed two spells of up to 7th level, giving the tertiary spell discount for the second spell and using the same pool of 50 charges. Ultimately though, a staff is only two levels away at that point and in most cases much...
Hmmm I did not read it that way.... thanks and still awful cheap cost.
Well the point I was trying to make was, I think different DEVs worked
on different parts of the rules and they used different terminology in
the descriptions. I just think that it needs to be uniform .
There seems to be some BIG confusion on bonuses per levels. Not the
just the one that say " +1 per level". All the abilities, spells, feats,
schools and domains, that say you get a +1 per every 2, 3, 4 levels of the caster and so forth. Some GM's I have played in games with read it
literally, such as with Force Missile , you get 1D4 +1 at first level
+1 per every 2 levels . Then you would not get the next +1 until level
4. Then some GM's read it like the spell Magic Missile where you get the +1 for every 2 levels that the character has gained past the level that
he/she aquired the ability. Making it at 3rd, 5th, and so forth.
The latter makes sense when you read some descriptions that say when the
max is reached.
I believe that you get the base at the level you pick up the ability and
then add the bonus at each step of character level gain.
But this would make a Type-O in the Magus archetype of Blackblade. The
Magus aquires the Blackblade at level 3 and the Int starts at 10 but
then it says it gets a +1 to INT per every 2 levels of the Magus ( 3rd,
5th, and so forth. Wouldnt it be the +1 at 5th , 7th and so forth?
I am playing a level 3 Wizard / Evoker and have that problem.
I dont really understand. Why cant wands be recharged? The actual fact of
creating a wand should make them WAY more expensive than they are.
Creating Wands on page 553 of the Core Rulebook says on one hand,
"Creating a wand requires 1 day per each 1000 GP of the base price"
But on the other hand it says " The act of working on the wand, triggers
the prepared spell, making it unavailable for casting during each day
devoted to the wand's creation".
I dont see any wizard spending 50 days at one charge a day to make a wand
that cant be recharged and just to sell for 750 gp for a CL 1 Wand of
Magic Missiles.
You do know that Sleight of Hand is useful. Not only can you Pick Pocket
but you can Put Pocket. I would rather like to see the reaction from a
NPC when you put a mouse on them and they find a small animal crawling
around in their clothes. I would say that would distract them for a couple
or rounds.
Is the level 2 Wizard spell Continual Flame prohibited?
It is permanent and in essence makes a Everburning Torch.
So I could cast in on another players item and he/she would have one for
free. Also in the Job category , that assumes that a week goes by between
adventures and I could make 7 of them and sell them for half price ,
bypassing the Job and making more money.
When you level up a wizard to cast a new level of spells, the book says
you get 2 new spells to add to your spell book. Do you also get one for
your school specialty?
My wizard leveled to 3 and is of the Evocation school and can cast 3 level
2 spells a day but that would put me one short for prepared spells unless
I double up one.