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Hi, James. I am running a game featuring Tawil at'Umr. Just found out he had no DR in his stats in bestiary 6. Is this a mistake, or made so deliberately? That would make him the only demigod without a DR (please correct me if I am wrong). Thank you very much!

Dragon78 wrote:

I would say that there will be 2-5 CR30's creatures in the book.

My bet is that at least Mephy, Beelzebub and Charon are at 30.

Matthew Morris wrote:
Aliasalias wrote:
Baphomet is nothing more than a bug in front of Asmodeus. To be sure, a bug can has its own trick and sometimes gets upper hand, but it's still a bug. They are simply not on the same scale in terms of power. The fall of Asmodeus should be something that foundamentally change the multiverse forever. This is far beyond the pathetic machenasm of Baphomet's tricks. That said, it will be very dramatic that Baphomet plays his part in that.
I beleive that's what the big C said about Lamashtu...

Remember A is not just some god whoever. He is one of the pillars of multiverse.

Alleran wrote:

You can get some pretty crazy results out of mythic spells (e.g. 325+ damage in a standard action at 6th tier, which would at least make a dent).

In any case, are the death effect SLA's themed mostly along the lines of her shadow portfolio? Or does she have a couple of the succubus standby ones as well (e.g. dominate person/monster SLA, suggestion, etc.)? Any particular standout or non-core SLAs in the mix?

How could you get around her high saves and immunity/resistance?

the death effect ones are finger of death , symbol of death, soul bind, wail of the banshee. yes, she has quickened mass suggestion and she is in no need of dominate person/monster since her dominate(su) is a much stronger version.

Drock11 wrote:

I don't understand why her seductive presence requires a fortitude save instead of a will save. The only reason I can think of is a near complete metagame one by the designer that purposely wanted to counter anybody loading up on being able to resist any metal influences which even knowing nothing specific about her a character with half a brain could easily reason as it would be something blatantly obvious any epic/mythic succubus lord would have.

Still it seems counterintuitive of how saves are supposed to work, and a somewhat cheaterish, even considering she's one of the most powerful beings a player can ever confront. It would have been better to give her a poison or something similar that accomplished the same thing if they wanted an in setting rational for effecting fortitude. It would have made sense.

For example, if both saves are will, even the mighty Oliphaunt won't stand a chance against Nocticula, due to its relatively low will save.

He's tough, but not as tough as his dad.

Nope, He's 29. As JJ said in that "ask jj" thread.

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