xiitone's page

Pathfinder LO Special Edition, PF Special Edition Subscriber. Organized Play Member. 4 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 2 Organized Play characters.


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Pathfinder LO Special Edition, PF Special Edition Subscriber
xiitone wrote:
It would be nice if there were a version of the Sevenarches map with journal links instead of the labels being directly on the map. Even a version of the map without the location labels, like you can see in the pdf-I could make my own journal links as the characters discover the city locations.

Aaand I'll answer my own request for posterity. The labels are implemented via the drawing tools in Foundry, not on the actual map image. If you copy the Sevenarches scene, go to drawing tools and select all, you can delete the lables.

Pathfinder LO Special Edition, PF Special Edition Subscriber

It would be nice if there were a version of the Sevenarches map with journal links instead of the labels being directly on the map. Even a version of the map without the location labels, like you can see in the pdf-I could make my own journal links as the characters discover the city locations.

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Pathfinder LO Special Edition, PF Special Edition Subscriber
Elfteiroh wrote:

Ah I didn'T know about that. I have not updated cause the PF2 devs are still telling us to not update if we care about everything being compatible. xD

Just a note for anyone seeing this - the module was updated around 6/12 to Foundry version 12

Pathfinder LO Special Edition, PF Special Edition Subscriber
pixierose wrote:

While I can see the argument for removing stats, your desire or feeling like you have to Minmax has more to do with how rpg and gaming communities have evolved imo then any one game. There are people who sometimes play with a 16 in there core stat or play with a an odd stat combination. I once played a goblin inventor who had 14 In charisma because i wanted her to have the hag bloodline, magic she was actively resisting and wishing to choose technology over said magic. She worked out just fine and was quite an effective support character.

I think of this as a complement to your GM-one of the jobs of a good GM (in my opinion,) is to adjust playstyle to the players and their characters.