wngd_phantom's page

Organized Play Member. 1 post. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 5 Organized Play characters.


Sovereign Court

fel_horfrost wrote:
As i see it he could though he would probably have to buy custom armor because of the extra arm?

You're going to want to look at Battle Alchemist builds, for they have similar issues. But, with RAW and Faq'd on our side, yes you can indeed. You also don't need to spend any extra money on armor as far as I've ran into, and my gm's are great sticklers for the details.

My own personal alchemist has 4 arms, 2 hold a bardiche reach weapon, 1 holds a shield, the 4th arm is used for either bombs, mutagens, extracts, etc., anything a good spare hand could be used for.

I can safely say it's one of the funnest builds i've ever made, short of my inquisitor who is known to swear so much that he lit a ship full of sailors on fire (blistering invective rocks).