
william.levyPFS's page

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I think you guys are wrong. Fom wouldn't negate this.

The impediment to movement isn't magic, it's the weapon being stuck into the ground so well the victim has to break away from it with a strength roll.

Letric wrote:
Letric wrote:

You can't make a full attack and move. It's written in the rules.

Uh, you're wrong. You can take a full-attack and stake a 5-foot step.

The movement with Shift isn't "movement" in the general sense of the word. Movement via tactical movement rules is that which individuals use their speed type to move about under there own muscle power.

Shift isn't any of that.

1 person marked this as FAQ candidate.

FOM, since it hasn't yet been FAQ'd (why we'll never know), is a spell that is routinely abused by players.

They often take the wording and spin it to mean ANYTHING that impedes movement doesn't work.

By that logic, a human gets a leg chopped off still walks as normal because the dismembering "impedes movement."

They sometimes argue that's going too far, but then explain mental effects also are negated by FOM. For instance, any condition which impedes movement. Just ridiculous and needs FAQ'd so players will now. I know it's up to us GMs to rule this, but at least there'd be something to fall back on.

It would seem that spells which target an individual and specifically impedes movement by specifically calling out movement or speed would be what FOM protects against. Icy Prison is a doozy, though- it is in fact a targeted spell.

Does FOM allow unfettered movement under water? I think there's universal agreement it does- so what's the difference between water and ice? Nothing except its state- which in Icy Prison's case is solid. But water pressure and the tension/resistance of water while being under water is having the same exact impediment upon the victim as the ice...and ice is water!

Diego Rossi wrote:
Guru-Meditation wrote:

Can you walk through a Wall of Ice with FoM?

No, you cant.

Then why should you be able to pass through said solid pack of ice, just because it is now much closer to you? FoM doesnt help you to transwarp incorporealite through solid, massive objects.

Being locked into a Box of Ice, and being caught in a Icy Prison is the same.

Ther are limits to FoM, and this is one of them.

You can walk out of being pinned with FoM? Yes.

Well, FOM makes it so the grapple or pin attempt doesn't even work to begin with...