Mithral Scarab

whatwaithuh's page

Organized Play Member. 8 posts. No reviews. 1 list. No wishlists.


I may be missing something here but where in Trick Attack does it say you can make multiple attacks with it in a round. Even when you get triple attack or quad attack they do not say you can also use Trick attack.

Also the point of a Sniper Rifle is to be way off in the distance, while this may not come up very often in game a smart group can set it up to be quite useful.

Thanks that does make a bit of sense and I agree there should be some time delay in getting them installed.

others in my group also had the following questions

Same level or lower?
Smallarms and Longarms?
What abaout Heavy Weapons?
And what does it cost to install a weapon?
Can you still install fusions on an installed weapon?

Just to clarify what weapons can be installed in power armor weapon slots?

Is there any sort of balance towards it or are all weapons open for power armor?

A flight frame with 3 heavy weapons seems a bit excessive to me.

Also I noticed that Prone no longer adds penalties to Ranged Attack's. So technically the sniper could spend their move action laying prone on top of the building to take out a target.

This is a build I worked up for a undead eidolon. Let me know if you think it is a bit much or not.

Base From: Biped (claws, limbs [arms], limbs [legs])

1st undead eidolons count as both undead and outsiders for the purpose of effects such as the bane weapon special ability and the favored enemy class feature. They gain a +4 bonus on saving throws against death effects, disease, paralysis, poison, sleep, and stun.

4th Undead eidolons gain a +4 bonus on saving throws against mind-affecting effects and immunity to nonlethal damage, fatigue, and exhaustion.

8th Undead eidolons gain immunity to death effects, disease, and poison.

12th Undead eidolons gain Burrow at their base speed and life-sense

16th Undead eidolons lose the +4 bonus on saving throws against Mind-effecting effects and gain immunity to ability damage, ability drain, energy drain, and mind-effecting effects.

20th undead eidolons gain immunity to paralysis, sleep, stun, cold

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This is a build I worked up for a undead eidolon. Let me know if you think it is a bit much or not.

Base From: Biped (claws, limbs [arms], limbs [legs])

1st undead eidolons count as both undead and outsiders for the purpose of effects such as the bane weapon special ability and the favored enemy class feature. They gain a +4 bonus on saving throws against death effects, disease, paralysis, poison, sleep, and stun.

4th Undead eidolons gain a +4 bonus on saving throws against mind-affecting effects and immunity to nonlethal damage, fatigue, and exhaustion.

8th Undead eidolons gain immunity to death effects, disease, and poison.

12th Undead eidolons gain Burrow at their base speed and life-sense

16th Undead eidolons lose the +4 bonus on saving throws against Mind-effecting effects and gain immunity to ability damage, ability drain, energy drain, and mind-effecting effects.

20th undead eidolons gain immunity to paralysis, sleep, stun, cold

From what I have seen it is all against those Goodie Goodies...