Rise of the Runelords - Deluxe Edition
http://paizo.com/products/btpy8vre?Pathfinder-Adventure-Path-Rise-of-the-Ru nelords-Deluxe-Collectors-Edition
In addition to running regular PFS games, I'm running 2 simultaneous tables (Monday/ Wednesday) - one group is running Rise, and another is running Shattered Star. They're both a blast, and I've converted large portions of both to use the D&D 3.5 Xen'drik Expeditions organized play model; I got my start in organized play with XE and we're all stupid-excited to see this!
Goblins on Granite
Goblins. On stone. Not sure if if would go on my desk or somewhere else, but this thing is pretty sweet.
Grandmaster Torch mini
No other NPC from PFS canon has captured the attention of my players the way that Torch has.
Master of the Fallen Fortress print copy
http://paizo.com/products/btpy8ey4?Pathfinder-Module-Master-of-the-Fallen-F ortress
I'm a sucker for the Free RPG Day stuff. Plus, I have the PDF of this and I really like it - but you can't beat having a paper copy. |