Winter-Touched Sprite

venysnizel's page

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This is my first time here, and I hope I am posting this in the correct place. I am the GM for the Reign of Winter. We have already finished Baba Yaga's hut once we "landed" in Russia and now the PCs are about to venture into Siberia. I have a question about role-playing Rasputin. It says that when he meets the PC's (using his projectes image), he meets most inquiries with icy glares and vague, cryptic responses. It says I should give the PC's some time to converse with him, however. Any tips on the types of answers he would give/conversation he would have before leaving? Also, I know there is something going on in the camp where there is no teleportation or spells of that nature near the World Engine. Is this only in the direct area of the World Engine? I have a PC who I know will be using Planar Binding and I want to make sure the spell won't be affected in a weird way. Thanks!