
valkyn76's page

Organized Play Member. 25 posts (483 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. 1 wishlist. 4 aliases.

Liberty's Edge

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I just found this yesterday and I have to say you've done some awesome work bringing this up to remaster rules. Thank you so much for all your hard work. Keep it up!!

Liberty's Edge

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I greatly enjoyed the Pathfinder 1e and now Starfinder 1e versions of this thread. I'm happy that I've discovered the current incarnation of your character emporium and I look forward to all that you have to offer us in the future.

Liberty's Edge

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I didn't realize that all the links had gone belly up or I would've done something about them. Thanks for fixing it, Maverick898!

Liberty's Edge

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Me too!! Can't wait to get it!!

Liberty's Edge

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You really are doing a great job for this being a one man show. It really is something I look forward to every wednesday.

Liberty's Edge

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For those that are interested in seeing the Lashunta Witchwarper if can be found in the file linked in the original post.

Liberty's Edge

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So a Level 4 Lashunta Witchwarper. I'll get on that for you first thing tomorrow.

Liberty's Edge

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Should be an interesting exercise building a society legal character. Just so you know I didn't do those other builds with society games in mind. So I'm not sure if the level 1 builds are legal or not.

Liberty's Edge

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Here you go all. Nine character builds for the Starfinder class playtest. Three for each class, and for each of Levels 1, 5, and 10. I hope people have as much fun putting them through their paces as I did building them.

Character Operations Manual Playtest - Sample Character

Each of the three builds within each class should be moderately different from the other two. I tried to make different choices for each build in order to cover an array of design options for the playtest.

Of the three classes the Biohacker didn't really grab me at all though I do understand the need for a support role in parties. The Vanguard, however, really grabbed my attention as I like the idea of wading in to melee with a weapon in one hand and a shield in the other. Lastly, the Witchwarper might see some play by me for the sheer amount of chaos that I can see brought about by this class. So my order of preference to which I'd play these three classes is Vanguard, Witchwarper, and then Biohacker.

Please enjoy the sample characters I've made, and I hope they help you all in your testing efforts.

Liberty's Edge

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I'd have to say any episode that spawns an idea for something to make and use in a game. For me the latest episode spawned a pathra space pirate for my starfinder material.

Though really I do enjoy listening to the developers and writers talk about the setting.

Liberty's Edge

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Here's proper links to all three zerg postings at Know Direction.

Know Directon - Monstrous Physique - Zerg, Part 1 (Zergling, Drone, Overlord, Scourge)

Know Directon - Monstrous Physique - Zerg, Part 2 (Hydralisk, Lurker, Defiler, Ultralisk)

Know Directon - Monstrous Physique - Zerg, Part 3 (Mutalisk, Guarding, Devourer, Queen, Zerg-Infested Template Graft)

Liberty's Edge

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Kendal Sparklegem: CG Gnome Female, Genetically Gifted Technomancer (Dragon Disciple) 18.

Liberty's Edge

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Naxxramas - Arachnid Quarter

linkified for Maverick898

Liberty's Edge

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I drew up stats for my take on November Annabella "Nova" Terra from Starcraft.

Nova as a PC: Human Female, Bounty Hunter Operative 14 (Ghost Specialization)

Nova as a NPC: Human Female, Operative (CR 14)

At the moment this is the only iconic science fiction conversion that I've done.

Liberty's Edge

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The large creature has the lower body of a giant spider with a humanoid torso, arms and head. Its spider legs are long and thin, allowing it to top 10 feet when it rears up.

Monster Conversion by: Maverick898

Liberty's Edge

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A design change was made to the Ashbringer making it a Falchion and not a Bastard Sword. All other information is unchanged.

Liberty's Edge

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"A finer blade has never been crafted by my hand. I only hope that it does not come to late..." - Magni Bronzebeard

Conversion by Valkyn Highwind


Liberty's Edge

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It was pointed out to me a little bit ago today that I'd been sitting on a finished statblock for a Warcraft related conversion. I apologize and now present it all to you.

What’s more boss than riding a parrot with a jawbone for a shoulderpad while wielding a giant hook-lance-thing and wearing a pirate hat? NOTHING.” - Grand Tournament Fan

Skycap’n Kragg (Orc Male; Cavalier 11)

Liberty's Edge

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Finally added Cliff's Ice Block spell to the main file.

World of Warcraft Conversions for Pathfinder

Liberty's Edge

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After more than a month missing we bring you an enemy from the frozen depth of Nothrend.

“I was cast out by my comrades. Exiled. Forced to wander the frozen wastes...but I was not alone. Not entirely. The voice, now my only companion, guided me to my destination. Strange, nightmarish creatures awaited me at the entrance. I felt my blood run cold, as cold as Icecrown itself.
Inside, I bore witness to horrific acts, demonstrations of power, power that could be mine for the asking. Terrified, I ran...but did not get far. All too soon, my choice was made. Too late did I realize that such power does not come...without a price.
Now, the world shall pay a far greater toll, for I have returned.
I am Kel’Thuzad...
Your curiosity will be the death of you.”

- Kel’Thuzad

World of Warcraft for Pathfinder (Main File)

Liberty's Edge

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You mean these Draenei?

Maverick898 drew up a Draenei Vindicator (expanded universe) npc named, Karessa.

Liberty's Edge

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After that bit of a delay I bring you a Warcraft conversion. Liberties were taken as little is known about the items abilities.

Atiesh, Greatstaff of the Guardian (Major Artifact)

Atiesh, Greatstaff of the Guardian is a powerful staff originally wielded by Medivh, the last Guardian of Tirisfal. It is currently (possibly) wielded by Khadgar, Medivh’s former apprentice, and formerly by Med’an, Medivh’s son.

Liberty's Edge

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This post brings one of the most well know figures from the Forgotten Realms to Pathfinder. He was built using 20-pt buy and player character wealth so he is at +1 CR above normal npcs.

I give you:

Elminster Aumar, Sage of Shadowdale

Liberty's Edge

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Next up is one of the named crusaders from Diablo 3. I wasn't able to find much on her so I took a few liberties to achieve how the crusader's appeared to me.

"Crusader Johanna was famous for her skillful shield work in combat. When she vanished, leaving this shield behind, many speculated that she was dead. If true, her name will fall from the Crusader rolls, as she did not have an apprentice." - Abd al-Hazir, "Guard of Johanna"

Johanna, Crusader of Zakarum

Liberty's Edge

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This thread will be filled with conversions of things, people, and more from popular culture that I adapt/convert for use in Pathfinder. First up is an undead menace that many should recognize.

"The warmth of life has entered my tomb. Prepare yourself, mortal, to serve my Master for eternity!" - Leoric to his foes

Leoric, The Skeleton King

Liberty's Edge

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Thanks. It was heavily inspired after watching Artanis fight in a Legacy of the Void (Starcraft 2) cutscene. All the teleporting around.

Liberty's Edge

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Valkyn Highwind wrote:
So now I give you my class, the Templar and the npc Victor Dunmull. I hope you enjoy them in their still semi-polished state.

I should know better than to mess with working files on my google drive. I broke the above link to my Templar class. Here is the new one.

Liberty's Edge

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If anyone cares about it Sylvanas Windrunner got new character art.

Any suggestions for things people would like to see converted/adapted to Pathfinder?

Liberty's Edge

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Here are links to my WarCraft conversion both canon and inspired. I've collected them here since they've likely been lost in the thread.

Races (Height, Weight, Starting Age, and Aging Effects included)

Dwarf (Bronzebeard)
Elf (Night)

Non-Canon Named NPCs

Casta Dawnblade: Blood Elf Female, Magus 13. (A Sin'dorei Spellbreaker of my design.)
Dresden Cryptwalker: Forsaken Male, Fighter 11/Guardian 5. (My protection warrior from the MMO.)
Tolgark: Troll Male, Sorcerer 13/Archmage 6. (My brother's elemental shaman from the MMO.)
Whitebranch: Tauren Male, Druid 4. (A low level version of my guardian druid (re: bear tank) from the MMO.)



Liberty's Edge

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Recently I stumbled across some old notes for expanding upon the Weapon Focus and Specialization feat chain. So I drummed of a pair of semi-polished and semi-workable additions. They don't have any 'flavor' text like most other feats do yet.

Weapon Master (Combat)
Prerequisites: Proficiency with selected weapon, Greater Weapon Focus with selected weapon, Weapon Focus with selected weapon, Greater Weapon Specialization with selected weapon, Weapon Specialization with selected weapon, 16th-level fighter.
Benefits: You gaine a +2 bonus on all Initiative rolls you make when wielding the selected weapon only. Also, increase the base critical threat range of the selected weapon by one (A Longsword would have a threat range of 18 to 20 with this feat). This effect stacks with the one from the Improved Critical feat or the Keen weapon enchant.
Special: You can gain this feat multiple times. Its effects do not stack. Each time you take the feat, it applies to a new type of weapon.

Weapon Grandmaster (Combat)
Prerequisites: Proficiency with selected weapon, Greater Weapon Focus with selected weapon, Weapon Focus with selected weapon, Greater Weapon Specialization with selected weapon, Weapon Specialization with selected weapon, Weapon Master with selected weapon, 20th-level fighter.
Benefit: Increase the damage die of the selected weapon by one size up (a grandmaster of the longsword would deal 1d10 damage instead of 1d8). Weapons with multiple damage dice increase all of them (a grandmaster of the greatsword would deal 2d8 damage instead of 2d6).
Special: You can gain this feat multiple times. Its effects do not stack. Each time you take the feat, it applies to a new type of weapon.

Liberty's Edge

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Just so you all know we haven't forgotten about this thread. Maverivk898 had an Infernal itch that just needed to be scratched. I hope it gives you all some relief.

As always all WoW for PF material by Maverick898 and myself can be found in -> World of Warcraft for Pathfinder

Liberty's Edge

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That sounds like the Mountain King PrC that Maverick898 converted for our Warcraft to Pathfinder project.

Liberty's Edge

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Noticed that Arthas was missing a page. So I fixed the collected file.

Maverick898 wrote:
It's interesting that you say that :D

Get back to work you. :P

Liberty's Edge

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Crap.. Forgot to roll my starting gold here.

2d6 ⇒ (6, 4) = 10 = 100 gp

Edited my character to reflect this rather than what I rolled with my dice.

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For considerations I submit Garrett Michael Hawke.

Formatted PDF

Garrett Michael Hawke
Male Human Sorcerer 1
NG Medium Humanoid (Human)
Init +0; Senses Perception +2

AC 10, touch 10, flat-footed 10 (+0 Dex)
hp 7 (1d6+1)
Fort +1, Ref +0, Will +3; +2 vs. illusions, charm, and compulsion effects

Speed 30 ft.
Melee Quarterstaff +1 (1d6+1)
Bloodline Spell-Like Abilities (CL 1st; Concentration +4)
6/day- Elemental Ray (1d6 fire)
Sorcerer Spells Known (CL 1st; Concentration +4)
1st (4/day)- Mage Armor, Shocking Grasp.
0 (At Will)- Detect Magic, Light, Ray of Frost, Read Magic.
B Bloodline Spell; Bloodline Elemental (Fire)

Str 13, Dex 11, Con 13, Int 14, Wis 13, Cha 16
Base Atk +0; CMB +1; CMD 11
Feats Combat Casting, Eschew Materials, Skill Focus (Spellcraft).
Skills Fly +4, Knowledge (Arcana) +6, Knowledge (Planes) +6, Perception +2, Spellcraft +9, Use Magic Device +7.
Languages Common, Draconic, Elven.
SQ Bloodline Arcana (can change spell energy type to fire), Cantrips.
Combat Gear none; Other Gear Quarterstaff, Explorer’s Outfit, Backpack (Common), Bedroll, Pouch (Belt), Chalk, Flint & Steel, Gear Maintenance Kit, Grooming Kit, Mess Kit, Pot (Common), Rope (50 ft.), Sack (Empty; 2), Shaving Kit, Soap, String (50 ft.), Torch (5), Waterskin (2), Traveler’s Outfit, Rations (Trail, 7 days), gear & coins worth 7 pp, 4 gp, 6 sp, and 2 cp.

Skeptic (Magic) Growing up, Garrett were always around magical effects to the extent that he realized much of it was mere smoke and mirrors.
Focused Disciple (Faith) When weaker wills falter, you keep a clear mind.

Other Information
Vitals Height: 6 ft. 2 in.; Weight: 200 lbs.; Age: 19/95 (Adult); Hair: Black; Eyes: Brown.

Liberty's Edge

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Yes, I'll keep track of it here to. I just like making a good looking sheet for myself. :)

Liberty's Edge

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Here is a collection of sample Level 1 non-player characters for the ACG Playtest. There is one for each class, and every npc is a different race. If this set is well received I'll finish up the Level 7 batch that I was working on. These NPCs use the classes as they were presented in the playtest document with comments regarding changes that were in the first post of the class threads.

Sample Level 1 Non-Player Characters for the Advanced Class Guide Playtest

Liberty's Edge

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kevin_video wrote:
If anyone's interested, someone did a homebrew of variant 3.5 half-dragons that they could use and adapt to PF.

I really wish he'd take that down. I created that originally in August of 2002 after getting the Monster Manual and not liking their template. I mean really one set of stats for ten different half-dragon races? No thank you. I expanded upon it to over 40 different types when I finally let it go after discovering the joys of Pathfinder. Linked below are my templates.

Expanded Half-Dragon Template (Pathfinder)

Expanded Half-Dragon Template (D&D 3.x)

Liberty's Edge

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Here's the latest set of changes & revisions to the archetype. It includes a stealth related feature Sniper's Perch.

Deepwood Sniper (Ranger Archetype) - Version 4
Original Appearance:
Prestige Class in Masters of the Wild (WotC #88164)
Conversion by: Valkyn Highwind

Magic Weapon (Sp): At 1st level, the character can produce an effect identical to that of a magic weapon spell cast by a cleric of her deepwood sniper level. At 8th level, this effect becomes greater magic weapon. This ability is usable once per day on projectile weapons only. This feature replaces Track and Swift Tracker.

Hawkeye (Ex): A deepwood sniper, starting at 1st level, gains a +1 bonus on Perception checks, and the range increment for any ranged projectile weapon she uses increases by 5 feet. These bonuses increase by +1 and 5 additional feet for every 4 levels beyond 1st. This ability replaces Wild Empathy.

Accuracy: At 3rd level, the deepwood sniper gains Weapon Focus with a ranged projectile weapon of their choice as a bonus feat. This feature replaces Endurance.

Sniper’s Perch (Ex): Starting at 3rd level, and every five levels thereafter, the deepwood sniper can reduce the penalty for maintaining their hidden location by -4 (ie. 3rd is -16, 8th is -12, etc.). This feature replaces 1st Favored Terrain.

Take Aim (Ex): A 7th-level deepwood sniper can gain a +2 bonus on her attack and damage rolls against a stationary target by aiming carefully. Taking aim is a full round action, and if the target moves more than 5 feet during that period, the bonus is lost. No additional benefit exists for spending more than 1 round aiming. This bonus increases to +4 at 11th level. This bonus applies only to the first shot made or until the end of her next turn. This feature replaces Woodland Stride.

Keen Arrows (Ex): At 9th level, all projectiles the deepwood sniper fires behave as if they were keen weapons in addition to any other properties they might possess. Thus, a normal arrow fired by a deepwood sniper has a threat range of 19 - 20 instead of 20, and the critical multiplier increase by +1. At 16th level, the critical threat range increases to 17 - 20. This effect does not stack with any other keen effect. This feature replaces Evasion and Improved Evasion.

Liberty's Edge

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Here is a prestige class that I've been kicking around as a replacement to the Dragon Disciple for Sorcerers. The Dragon Disciple still exists for other classes. It's also made to go side by side with my expanded half-dragon template which I've included here as well. Included within the HotD file is a small update to the Draconic Bloodline to account for the other True Dragon types that Paizo has released.

Heir of the Dragon PrC

Half-Dragon Template