tworeceivers's page

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James Jacobs wrote:
tworeceivers wrote:

Simple question, JJ:

Does Cyclops Helm ability to chose a 20 in a dice roll count for the vorpal effect, if attacking with a vorpal weapon?

Even simple rules questions are ones I avoid answering here; please ask them on the rules forum or product forum so that others can see and weigh in on their responses.

That said, as the edition cycle closes... I might start getting a bit more open about answering rules questions AS I WOULD RESOLVE THEM AT MY TABLE IN GAMES ONLY... so if I do, please don't use my replies as ammunition to fight against rulings from PFS organizers, the official FAQ, or your GM.

(In this case, no, it wouldn't count. The vorpal effect should trigger on a ROLLED 20, not a CHOSEN 20.)

Oh, don't worry, I don't even participate on PFS or anything like that. I was just looking for a way to settle a question at my table :) Thanks a lot!

Simple question, JJ:

Does Cyclops Helm ability to chose a 20 in a dice roll count for the vorpal effect, if attacking with a vorpal weapon?


In a previous post (from 2010), when asked about Blink and Displacement stacking, you answered that normally concealment effects do not stack. And I agree with you in that, for example, blink and displacement would not stack because they specifically state that they grant a concealment bonus in the form of a miss chance.

Blink on the other hand is not a concealment effect. The text in the spell even says that "Physical attacks against you have a 50% miss chance, and the Blind-Fight feat doesn’t help opponents, since you’re ethereal and not merely invisible." and "An ethereal creature is invisible, incorporeal, and capable of moving in any direction, even up or down." meaning that the miss chance granted here is for being incorporeal.

That being said, since these are two entirely different effects (one makes your image appear 2 feet from where you are and the other blinks you in and out of incorporealness), do you stand by your first opinion?

Do you really think blink and blur/displacement shouldn't stack?