Winter-Touched Sprite

twist3429's page

Organized Play Member. 10 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 22 Organized Play characters.


Horizon Hunters

This looks likes it's due out fairly soon, any word if it will be delayed in shipping?

Horizon Hunters

This sounds exciting, I want to play more adventures on Akiton

Horizon Hunters

Yes this one does sound good

Horizon Hunters

Aaron Shanks wrote:

Now for something a bit more "Cayden Cailean."
1. Download Alexa for PC or Mac for free
2. Install and sign-in with your Amazon account
3. Click to purchase the season on
4. Once the purchase is successful, you should be able to resume playing either on the mobile app or using the PC/Mac.

Ok, "Cayden" in that it is free, "Nethys" in its complexity. We aspire to streamline this in the future.

I tried to do this but it seems to be not available in my country

Horizon Hunters

Any news when the episodes will be available in Australia?

Horizon Hunters

I have been getting the Internal Server Error message on chrome making viewing the site impossible but it seems to work alright on Microsoft edge which i don't really like using

Horizon Hunters

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Yes great story, there should be more about Jirelle

Horizon Hunters

David knott 242 wrote:
twist3429 wrote:
I keep getting an error message when trying to pre order this

You may want to peruse the Website Feedback forum for threads describing similar problems. You will probably get this same problem trying to order other items, and people who are not having problems elsewhere probably won't have a problem here. As I recall, one of the solutions is to use "incognito mode" in Chrome or its equivalent in whatever browser you are using. Another is to change browsers, but that seems to be less effective.

Ok thanks for the suggestions

Horizon Hunters

I keep getting an error message when trying to pre order this

Horizon Hunters

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I really enjoyed the options for PC races in this book but now I want to know when we can use them in SFS games

Current Campaign

The Spire (inactive)

Drow freedom fighters vs. High Elf oppressors in a mile-tall city.