trevor's page

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This my very first post on these boards... I am a swing voter in this. I could play this game or I may go with 4.0. I am truly undecided. I've gone through the Alpha rules and here are my thoughts.

1. Feat chains are a really bad idea. They weaken fighters and unnecessarily complicate encounters

2. I really like the idea of giving arcane casters some at will abilities because it keeps them from ever feeling useless if their spells run out (especially at low levels). But over all the power creep for casters has been pretty pronounced. Increased Hit die, at will spells, the flexibility of casting from prohibited schools if they need to, an alternative to familiars, and no drop in the number of spells per day. I'm just saying be careful of power creep.

I will be reading all the changes in future versions and hoping for the best. I can tell you I will not switch to this new game if Feat Chains are a prominent part of a Fighters portfolio.

Overall I give the current rules set a C+. Hopefully with a couple of re-writes the grade can improve to something I would want to purchase.