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Organized Play Member. 12 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 12 Organized Play characters.

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Perspicacious Wanderer wrote:

I am partial to the idea of a Bard/Monk myself.

A wandering sage that tells proverbs to unlearned villagers one day and advises a King in the matters of the metaphysical the next. The spread of knowledge is their trade, knowledge within and without.

They would play as something of a more skilled and supportive Monk, or a Bard who trades spells for Ki and martial arts. I'm not sure which.

Would they also tell such truths that make the enemy flee in terror? Because I'd totally play that.

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Drahliana Moonrunner wrote:
Pandora's wrote:
Captain Yesterday Smurf wrote:
What makes you so sure there's such a split of the fan base.

The size of the martial/caster disparity thread index, the popularity of magic systems in other games (and Spheres for that matter) that buck all of the Vancian design ideas, and personal anecdotes from people who wouldn't ever care enough to be on these boards but have tried things both ways and preferred Spheres. That's not to say there's not many who prefer Vancian as well; just rebuffing the idea that only super-experienced gamers who frequent these boards notice problems caused by Vancian casting and wouldn't prefer an alternative.

Vancian casting isn't bad, but it is very complex, very hard to balance, and does not mesh well with very many people's experience of what magic in fantasy should look like. I don't want to turn this thread into another C/D disparity thread, but this is something Vancian fans don't seem to get: Vancian spellcasting is *weird.* It doesn't mirror anything in our real world experience (like physical energy mirrors a mana bar, for example). It's strange that the most popular fantasy RPG line has such a niche system that so many people feel hinders tropy character concepts.

For each person that loudly claims that Pathfinder's Vancian system is dead, there's are hundreds who are using that system quite happily without bothering to proclaim so on this soapbox.

Prove it. Go on, show us the numbers. Give us the data that you used come to this conclusion or admit that you don't know what your talking about.

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Charisma also represents force of will so person with low charisma might also be some on the shyer side and tend to fade into the background when not actually doing something.

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I've been running a natural attack based Half-Orc War Priest of Gozreh that been pretty fun. You can set your natural attack as your sacred weapon but you do need to get the weapon focus feat for each type of natural attack past the first.

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The Bald Beaver:

The bald beaver is type of rodent that is about 3' long, including the tail, and ranges from 20 to 40 lbs. It's body's coloration ranges from light brown to black. The fur on it's head on the other hand is always white which gave it it's name.

It's most interesting parts are wings with a 3 foot wing spread. A large flat tail, that can make a surprisingly loud noise when slapped against water. A set of long claws on it's front feet to allow it to catch fish and carrying logs. And finally two large front teeth in it's mouth that it uses to cut down trees.

It's habitat is the mouth of rivers that proceeds to dam partially so that it can build it's lodge and create a primitive fish weir. While an omnivore the only meat it will hunt for is fish.

It's origins lies with a wizard trying to end a feud between to nations. Important note, if you come across a family carrying a log back to their dam do not startle them. Their natural instinct is to drop the log on the on what ever is threatening them.