Drow Pain Taster

tolentothe's page

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I did remember this forum was for feed back on the classes and I'd like to give you some on the alchemist. Hopefully I'll get a few nods.
I think they should be able to make infusions without sacrificing the discovery (maybe a class feature at mid-levels?), that severly hinders their ability to contribute to the party and makes them focus much more on chucking a bomb at the enemy (which is a hell of a lot of fun but still less teamwork than I think the alchemist could do for the party.)
I do think the alchemical items should be expanded upon and maybe include poison amongst this (not entirely sure if poison already counts as an alchemical item, but giving us a buyable list would be nice.)
As for the turning spells into extracts I really think it suits the class and gives the alchemist the correct flavor. It was one of the things I liked about the class the most.
Mutagens. Ah mutagens. They are a good idea at first, but then they dont seem to get any better. I mean taking a minus two to my intellegence? Even if it does give me a plus four to strength its a heavy price for an alchemist. So I see them as more so something to help the eparty, but alas to make them effective you have to sacrifice atleast two precious discoveries to give your barbarian friend a plus six and a minus two to whatever. I mean yes this equates to him having 2 extra hp and +3 more attack and +5 to damage if hes playing his character optimally but you sacrificed 2d6 damage per round to give him it.
Your just better not every using mutagens the way they have been built because messing with your own ability scores isnt very good because again -2 ro either wisdom or intellegence effects your battle stats. Maybe give us more variety to the mutagens making them a little more bad ass like a breath weapon? I also suggest red bull literally giving you wings? I would totally sacrifice the ability score if it was a little more niffty. I think you were on the right track with feral mutagens. I like more of that.And again, making the infusion a class feature at maybe level 7 or 8 would do the class a big favor in making the alchemist a team player instead of a bomb chucker( Although I cxertianly enjoy his bomb chucking status he can certianly be a more flexible class.)
So the way I see it all is the alchemist is a great and whimsical class. I love it very much. I like the extracts I think the mutagens could use a little work but not much and the bombs are damn near perfect, and I love the idea of brewing alchemical items( and an expanded list of alchemical items would make it cooler and useful.) Great work keep on truckin'.

I'm working with an alchemist , enjoying every moment I might add, but we encountered some spectral ankle biters. At this point only the paladin had a magic weapon so I was relying on a wand of magic missle as my faithful companion, but I was curious. Do you count bombs as magic weapons? I mean they say its infused with part of your magic aura.

Because they are unable to become +y magic weapons due to their expendable nature I weas wondering if you could count them as magic weapons for purposes such as blowing up ghosts effectively?

If you select middle age for your character age, do your ability scores get modified as per usual (-1 physical +1 mental scores)