
tlotig's page

Goblin Squad Member. Organized Play Member. 249 posts (266 including aliases). No reviews. 3 lists. No wishlists. 22 Organized Play characters.

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gustavo iglesias wrote:

The only situation where I think Deadly Aim is good, is with an operative quad attack, because you add the bonus damage x4,


If Deadly Aim drops your average damages then attacking 4 times just means 4 times the reduction in damage.

Deadly Aim is useful if you are hitting easily, if the envoy is giving +4 to hit maybe it is worth it.
Also note that if Damaged is being reduced DA becomes more useful.

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N=Number of chances in 20 that you hit.
D=Damage without deadly aim
B= Bonus Damage from Deadly Aim.

Damage over 20 rounds without Deadly Aim = (N+1)*D. [N+1 because criticals cause an extra hit]

Damage with Deadly Aim = (N-1)*(D+B)

Use deadly aim when:
(N-1)*(D+B) > (N+1)*D
NB-2D-B >0
B*(N-1) > 2D
You should use deadly aim when Your number of hits in 20 -1 multiplied by the bonus damage is more than twice the regular damage.

For example:
Say you hit on a 12+, That's 9 hits in 20.
Say you average 10 damage.
this gives
B*8 > (2*10)
You should Deadly aim if your Bonus from Deadly aim is 3 or more.

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only use I can see for it is qualifying for feats,
start at int 13 so you can get to 15 and get Technomancy dabbler, life bubble seems an important spell


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jedicortez wrote:
they should just ban necromancers in general

Ban paladins, they have far more class features restricting who they can play with.

Necromancers come with none of that unfortunate baggage

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Witch list has the flavour of the Druid list, ley-line witch is a spontaneous caster.
Arcanist using both Unlettered Arcanist and Brown furred transmuter.
this gets you the witch list and some wildshapey stuff.

Other option is an oracle with the Nature or moon mysteries

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Mark Seifter wrote:
Rynjin wrote:
What's your top 5 books and/or series'?
More recently, my little brother convinced me to read the Dresden Files. It wasn't an easy sell because I'm not really a fan of most urban fantasy, but Butcher won me over with his sense of humor and his fun take on the fey.

While I love Dresden files I would never describe Mab as fun.


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CigarPete wrote:

The chronicle sheets for Maelstrom Rift and Serpent's Ire had level ranges listed, so I would start with those or reducing to level 1.

As far as actual play experience, I don't understand the trepidation around character death. It's part of the game, and is nothing more than a resource tax - you screwed up or got unlucky (greataxe crits in lvl 1 scenario grumble grumle), go pay 7k gold. In the event of a pregen, it's go pay 1k gold after selling off their gear. I put both chronicles on real characters, fully expecting to pay or retire if needed.

Because if my character is going to die I want it to be my fault, not because i received a gimped character to play


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happy stick: Wand of Cure Light Wounds (2PP)
unhappy stick: Wand of infernal healing (2PP)


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I believe it is freely available from the Jingasa nerf


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Lets limit this to fully used consumables:
-IF and ONLY IF the item was completely used (started as new became worth 0gp) in the course of the adventure
-The other players MAY elect to contribute to the purchase of a new item any amount they see fit, the item MUST be bought immediately (the player can not save the gold)

Only works on items that are worthless when out of charges
Probably wont apply to wands
Owner must have access to purchase another (some chronicles have partially charged wands that are limit one, this will not work under this suggestion)


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Bongo BigBounce wrote:

As there is no 4 player adjustment to the chase unless combat happens, I would suggest that the speed of the forces be adjusted as well. My experiences suggest that the speed should be 4 per at regular, and 3 per with the four player adjustment. If we made it 3/2 instead I would not argue. Of course this is only my humble opinion.

I agree Dropping guard advancement from 3 to 2 as a 4 player adjustment seems fair

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The Harrowing: The AP?

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Cao Phen wrote:
Would Deadly Sneak change the averages given by Measured Response?

Deadly sneak is a massive flaming trap


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Actually that could be the next Bonekeep series:
Being the "Recovery Team"
-Built in reason to be going to a dangerous area.
-Metric for success is the number of bodies recovered (assume a team of say 5-6)
-Bonus mission is to complete the original teams mission.
-Chronicle should definitely have a boon that grants bonus to charisma checks with other pathfinders.

Would be kind of cool to be called in as "The Cavalry" summoned to the local venture captains office in the middle of the night given a hurried briefing (possibly including a survivor of the previous team)


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small mithral daggers on the other hand ...

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Kidney Stone of Good Luck, the pain lets you know it's working

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This has been resolved by a pathfinder society scenario.
Kitsunes with realistic likeness can become humanoids

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Imbicatus wrote:
If it's a murder of crows, I'd say it's a murderhobo of goblins.

No no, it's a murderhobo of pathfinders


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Not allowed to feed Kyra's scythe critted remains to a worg we befriended along the way.
Definitely not allowed to try some our selves


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to address your points:
1. That raising the dead is offensive to good aligned characters.
True, the pathfinders are a Neutral organization, they may find those who can raise the dead very handy for robbing tombs. If your lawful good character has chosen to join the pathfinders then obviously they feel that this compromise to their morals is worth it.

2. That evil spells should turn you evil.
Possibly true, but then good spells should turn you good. So if I cast a summon monster III for every animate dead then does that mean everything is good?

3. That PFS frowns on undead creation
If PFS truly frowned on use of undead, such spell would be banned along with all class choices that allowed the control of undead.


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Robert Duncan wrote:

We steal stuff in faction missions all the time. (Taldor!) The note reads:

Items found missing, shopkeeper paid off to keep quiet. Instructions are to "explore, report, cooperate" not "loot, attract attention, create paperwork". Sticky fingers don't hang on to their wayfinders.."

It's hastily scribbled and signed by the venture captain who assigned you the missions. You do not need a linguistics check to realize that it was very forcefully written.. perhaps in anger."

Because the shop keep would automatically know who stole the item??

The whole point of being a good thief is that people don't know it was you. Inserting deus ex machina notes seems heavy handed. especially in PFS where characters are often among the higher level characters and there may not be some one better.


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If you don't want people to expect to get full PA every time then remove the higher tiers of item access from fame.
Currently the table goes up to 99 fame.

to reach say 11th level requires 30 games. assuming 75% faction completion this gives ~52.5 fame.

On a side note, please up the PA award form sanctioned modules, doing too many sanctioned modules can significantly hamper a mid tier characters ability to purchase items


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I have to say if I was told, judge or you can't play my response would be rude and too the point. Some people don't enjoy judging, some do.
Having a GM who doesn't want to be there and is only doing it so he doesn't get kicked out sounds like a recipe for a poor game for all.


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pathfinders are adventurers not heroes.
that said I understand people have different GMing styles, but if if yours is significantly different, for instance "I will change your alignment for one evil act" then you should warn your players before the game starts and give them the chance to leave.

I know I will