N=Number of chances in 20 that you hit.
Damage over 20 rounds without Deadly Aim = (N+1)*D. [N+1 because criticals cause an extra hit] Damage with Deadly Aim = (N-1)*(D+B) Use deadly aim when:
For example:
Mark Seifter wrote:
While I love Dresden files I would never describe Mab as fun.
CigarPete wrote:
Because if my character is going to die I want it to be my fault, not because i received a gimped character to play
Lets limit this to fully used consumables:
Bongo BigBounce wrote:
I agree Dropping guard advancement from 3 to 2 as a 4 player adjustment seems fair
Actually that could be the next Bonekeep series:
Would be kind of cool to be called in as "The Cavalry" summoned to the local venture captains office in the middle of the night given a hurried briefing (possibly including a survivor of the previous team) Thoughts?
to address your points:
2. That evil spells should turn you evil.
3. That PFS frowns on undead creation
Robert Duncan wrote:
Because the shop keep would automatically know who stole the item?? The whole point of being a good thief is that people don't know it was you. Inserting deus ex machina notes seems heavy handed. especially in PFS where characters are often among the higher level characters and there may not be some one better.
If you don't want people to expect to get full PA every time then remove the higher tiers of item access from fame.
to reach say 11th level requires 30 games. assuming 75% faction completion this gives ~52.5 fame. On a side note, please up the PA award form sanctioned modules, doing too many sanctioned modules can significantly hamper a mid tier characters ability to purchase items
pathfinders are adventurers not heroes.
I know I will |