If they take so long to finish though how would they sell more adventure paths? Starfinder has 5 out now and it’s only been out for 2 years I believe? Unless ppl just like to stock up and collect (like I personally do) I don’t see if a group is invested in a story already to want to purchase any others until they were finished with their current one.
So a 6 part adventure is 22 USD and some change without tax. That’s roughly $140 for a whole adventure. A single D&D adventure is $50 and comes in a nice hardback book. So for the price of one adventure for pathfinder I can nearly buy three D&D adventure books. So why is a single adventure so much more expensive than a D&D one?
Read on a post that PF2 is a more watered down version of PF1. This concerns me a bit as I went to pathfinder for its more complex rules system. IMO the more rulings you have the more diverse and thematic the gameplay can be. So with this known should I really get second edition? I don’t have a massive collection of pathfinder books just the core, bestiary 1 GM guide and advanced players guide. I would have collected more but my group really wanted to play D&D because it was simpler so I complied. I finally had to step away from the group as the menial rule system just did not sit with me well. As I said before I enjoy having lots of rulings. Thanks for any insight anyone can give me.
jones314 wrote:
Awesome, thanks for the help.
I just recently purchased the pathfinder adventure card game core set along with the curse of the crimson throne expansion. While playing I’m running into a few problems that some cards to specify too clearly what they mean. Kobold horde says “if not defeated by at least 4, suffer 1 ranged combat damage.” Does this mean I have to beat it by 4 over the required combat check? Or that if my roll is 4 lower than the required combat check I take the damage? Kobold sorcerer says “if the check to defeat does not have the attack trait, and you succeed, re roll.” I don’t have a clue what an attack trait is, I couldn’t find it listed on any card or the rule book. As such if I don’t have an attack trait on the check do I just constantly re roll until I fail or does his power only happen once? Lastly, I’m on the adventure welcome to Belhaim: Scenario 1C: The wizard’s estate. I’m informed that at the end of my move step I need to encounter a random eldritch story bane depending on my roll. I looked all through my story bane cards and could not find any of them with a eldritch label on it. Am I possibly missing cards at all? |