
thoughtfulmonkey's page

Organized Play Member. 11 posts (167 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 5 Organized Play characters. 1 alias.


A Starfinder Society Scenario designed for 1st- through 4th-level characters.
Written by: Jenny Jarzabski


I'll advance the game once per day Sunday to Friday. Maybe more if everyone has posted. Real life takes precedence over the game, but if you miss a day then in fairness to everyone else, the game will move on regardless. However, if someone needs to take a short break and lets me know, we'll pause the game. I prefer to take a break rather than bot for players, but if you can provide very specific instructions then I'll consider it.

Standard rules

• Try to have fun and leave space for other people to have fun.
• Content should be limited to a 12A / PG-13 rating.
• Expected posting rate is once per weekday and once at the weekend.
• If you can’t post for a while, please let everyone know (or just me if you prefer).


• If you don’t have anything to say, please still post something so that the game isn’t waiting for you. Maybe your character stands silently, nods in agreement, thinks about what to eat for dinner etc.
• Try to include descriptions with your skill checks. You can describe an attempted action and then roll, or roll first and then describe the result.

Written by: Mahpiya
Scenario tags: Repeatable

Running as part of the 2024 GM School.