
thoughtfulmonkey's page

Organized Play Member. 11 posts (147 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 5 Organized Play characters. 1 alias.


Resurrecting this thread. Hopefully it gets some visibility.

I'm trying to prep this scenario, but I'm a bit confused about how the areas are connected.

From page 6 (as mentioned above):

If the PCs decide to travel along the tracks using the service cars, proceed immediately to Event 2: Traffic Glitch. If PCs decide to travel using this option, they can navigate to either the Freemarkets or the Security Resources Pavilion, but they must overcome the obstacles in Event 2 first.

But then in the description for Event 2 - page 11:

If the PCs travel by operating the service cars abandoned in area A, they ride for half a mile past several train stations down a length of clear track before reaching an obstacle. PCs can choose to investigate two of these stops, the Freemarkets (area B), Security Resources Pavilion (area C), or bypass them entirely.

These seem contradictory to me. Is Event 2 before or after the other stops?

Apologies for the delay.

Player Name: thoughtfulmonkey
Character Name: Shlushshla
Organized Play#: 2423457-706
Faction: Advocates
Starting XP: 0.25

Nevermind. :-) Can we just follow Obozaya?

This could be one of the skills where we have some overlap. Shlushsla has a +9 for Survival.

Sounds good.

I'm here also.

Thanks for running it.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Hi all. I'm Matthew, and in the real world I'm a technical writer for a software company.

I'm relatively new to TTRPGs compared to everyone else so far. I played a bit of 5e face-to-face, GMed some Starfinder face-to-face, played a handful of Starfinder pbd, and one PF2e game pbd.

Quite simply I'd like to run some Starfinder games and for them not to be a disaster. But also to try something new and hopefully learn some broader knowledge and skills. I prefer sci-fi themes. So, although I have an interest in PF2e, it's mainly because I'll need to use that ruleset for SF2e eventually.

Random fact: My first ever post on the Paizo forums was deleted by admins. It was about an imperial to metric browser plugin that I'd created for Starfinder. It's all feet and pounds for me now.

Hope everyone's better soon. I'm looking forward to the GM school.

Safe travels.