thesurlymermaid's page

RPG Superstar 7 Season Dedicated Voter. Organized Play Member. 2 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 5 Organized Play characters.


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Yes, but I'd be buying the folio for the sole purpose of carting it around and getting a reroll. A shirt (or other fashionable accessory such as downerbeautiful suggested) would give me a reroll, clothe me and spread the word about Pathfinder wherever I roam.

The reroll is a huge perk but I'd mostly just like to see Pathfinder gear for the ladies.

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Any chance of making shirts in women's sizes/babydoll style? I play PFS and would love the reroll, but I'm also not interested in spending $25 on a t-shirt with a poor fit. I'm sure a lot of women buy the men's sizes but I'd bet it's because they aren't given the option.

(Preemptive: Yes, the shirts right now are probably considered 'unisex'. However, pick up a women's tee and a men's tee at any store in the mall, try them both on and see which one fits like a Paizo tee.)

I know it wouldn't be financially viable to put out the whole line but is there a chance Paizo would try a limited run and see how it sells? I just want to throw my money at you!