Varisian Statue

thestinkypete's page

9 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.


Grand Lodge


Or the Elemental Planes.

Grand Lodge

tbug wrote:

Have you read The Harrowing? It's published by Paizo, and fits nicely with the Varisian feel to Ustalav.

What you need to do if you're replacing chapter four is make sure that you have a reason for chapter two to have happened, since that was the Whispering Way taking control of the Beast of Lepidstadt to steal the Seasage Effigy. As written, they want to swap the Effigy for the Raven's Head, in order to use it in the Carrion Crown ritual (though canonically they fail to get it).

I do have the Harrowing (though I'd forgotten what level it was). That might well work. Maybe the Whispering Way cultists have reason to believe that the artifact they seek is in the realm of the Harrowing. I like that a lot!

Grand Lodge

So, most AP's take the characters to 15th-18th level. What do you run after the AP is done, if the players want to keep going?

Grand Lodge

Important: I'm looking for advice, not a flame-war. I appreciate constructive comments.

So, having read a lot of the reviews here and elsewhere, a lot of people (including Cthulhuphiles, which I am not one), complain that Wake of the Watcher, while well-done in itself, does a poor job of fitting in with the overall arc of the AP.

So, while I'll buy and read the Wake of the Watcher, mainly to be sure that I don't miss something critical to the player characters in later episodes, I'm looking for suggestions of modules, either Paizo or third-party, but certainly Pathfinder if possible, to replace this one with. It apparently takes the PC's from 9th-10th level. I'm more willing to adapt another horror module than have to run a Lovecraftian thingie that apparently doesn't mesh with the AP in the first place.

Grand Lodge

Cool. Thanks to you both!

As for xenophobia, I'm sure the characters will run afoul of torches and pitchforks at some point, regardless.

Grand Lodge

Good idea, or bad idea? My thinking is it might attach the characters to the story a bit better, and one of my players is werewolf-obsessed, but I'd like input, please.

Grand Lodge

My fear was that a large portion would be given to the Mythos, rather than just one or two.

Grand Lodge

I was happy with this, and the inclusion of Mythic material in the book until I saw Cthulhu was going to be included. Huge bummer for lack of originality and dragged that tired, cliched thing into Pathfinder.

I'm considering skipping this one.

Grand Lodge

2 people marked this as a favorite.

I'm pretty sick of Aasimar and Tieflings; I was hoping for Lawful and Chaotic plane-touched getting equal billing. Surely I can't be alone in this?

Grand Lodge

Zaister wrote:
Oh my god, this book looks like an LSD trip on the inside (or so I imagine).

Yeah, it's pretty groovy, dude.

Okay, I'm not quite old enough to be in that generation, but I'm glad I got the .pdf and the print copy both, so that I don't run out of, um, pink.

Grand Lodge

Thank you, Cosmo!

Grand Lodge

Only one more open seat for this. Whee!

Grand Lodge

I'm having this same problem. I'm not actually running the Path yet (game starts on the 2nd of June!), but I'll need this eventually. Is there a problem with the ordering system?

Thank you.

Grand Lodge

I've got three players, would like three more. The play-style emphasizes Role-Playing, Detail, Creative Thinking. Encounters will be scaled up or added to for having six PC's instead of the standard 4. The adventure is all about building a Kingdom from the ground up- exploration, colonization, diplomacy, intrigue, etc.

Characters start with 15-point buy for ability scores, 2 Traits. Playtest versions of Alchemist, Cavalier, Summoner okay to play. Critical hits and Fumbles using the GameMastery Cards; I use Hero Lab for character generation and such. No Evil or Chaotic Neutral PC’s, please. Death may occur, drama certainly will.

West Side of Madison, usually every other Wednesday evening, 6:30-10pm. Yahoo!Group for communication, files and reminder management. Mature group preferred - that means tolerance for age, gender, race, religion, orientation, etc. Non-smoking household, with cats; we may occasionally play at Pegasus, but I'm thinking more often at my apartment.

Starting June 2nd, 2010. I'm an experienced GM (31 years in RPGs). Please email me: redbeardsean <at> yahoo <dot> com.

Grand Lodge

Wiptag wrote:
Hello. I'm a player/game-master looking to either start or join a group in the west Madison area.

I'm recently moved to the Madison area (West Side), and looking at starting a Pathfinder game. Have two-three interested players so far, would like 3-4 more. Will be running the Kingmaker adventure path, probably start the game in June, and run at least two week-day evenings a month, possibly weekly.

Your post is from last October, so no idea if you're still looking, but let me know.