theSchnucki's page

* Starfinder Society GM. 5 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character.


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Why isn't there a neat bundle of the whole Adventure Path like Abomination Vaults?

If I compare the two especially price wise for the whole of Outlaws of Alkenstar I have to pay 60% more than for the whole Abomination Vaults.

I don't understand why one short AP costs 60$ and another 100$ could anyone help me with that?

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Thanks also!


I really apreciate the answer thanks a lot, I also want to apologize because the first post already mentions that.

Does anyone know where I can find that in the rules, that makes it stick better in my head.


I am just starting with the whole Starfinder Roleplaying Guild but got confused with the XP and leveling up. There are no XP at the monster in "Into the unknown" and at the and you get some one figure xp, how do you level up. Is there a different table for the Society characters?