
tec-goblin's page

8 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.


Mike McArtor wrote:

That amount of delay is normal. In fact, it's possible your January-submitted article might not even be in the oldest 25% of submissions waiting for action. Patience, friend. Soon (I hope) we will know what to do with the submissions we have, and then we will tell the whole world. :)

Hehe, yes, the quick response on the query made me over-optimistic ;) (as it was for something published on January and I thought that you would like to publish it close to that ;)).

Thanks for the reply!

Rambling Scribe wrote:

So here's a funny (ironic, not Ha Ha) story.

Over a year ago I submitted an adventure to Dungeon. I received a notice that it was received, and then nothing. [..]

So on Tuesday I got a contract in the mail and it's coming out next issue.

Congratulations ;)

I have a query from.. I think October. I haven't received even a confirmation :( (it's something about EtCR, in case somebody from the editors is watching).

I had positive feedback on a rules article (more like a class act) back in January, sent the full act, but I am still waiting for a response. Is it normal? I know it has to reach the point of the publication of the article to have a contract received, but it's been quite some months...

Zherog wrote:
If you sent a submission back in March, I'd say it's totally normal not to hear a word about it by this time. I never heard word back about the one feature I had in the magazine until the contract arrived.

So if the article seems ok and it doesn't need major changes, we usually shouldn't expect any contacting before the contracts arrive? <anxious anxious ;)>

That was über-quick :D. I received a quite positive email on one of the above submissions ;). Now it rests on my hands not to mess up.

My queries on Skill Tricks (ala Complete Scoundrel) and Truenamers have been just sent. Timer starts ;).

Mike McArtor wrote:
There have been lists made of both, but I don't think either of them has been updated in some months. :\

Ok, I'll try some new stuff people probably won't have touched by now (after all I have some of the latest issues) and see...

Thanks for the reply ^-^!

Hi! (first post here)

I don't know if anyone else has asked that (and the search button insists on finding info from all the webpage), but is there any list of the things covered in the ecology and class acts columns?
It would be helpful for people who want to submit future queries, to avoid repetitions.