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I won't write much. Let me just say that this game is very well designed. I have now played 6 times; twice with a friend (1 character each, same scenario twice); twice with my wife (first two scenarios, 1 character each); and twice by myself (4 characters, first scenario, failed both times). I also have plans to play the entire adventure path with my buddy running three characters each. I am really excited about it! The mechanics work and the story is great! I will be doing all my travelling with this to play more with new people. Worth every penny!
Possibly the best part is, even if it looks like you will fail, you can still gain a great deal. My fighter earned so many weapons then lost the scenario and I got to keep them! Great mechanics.
Lastly, I have been looking for a great board/card game to play single player. After years of searching, this game definitely hit the spot!