taterbill's page

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Parody wrote:

You could report it to the developers at Obsidian. Unfortunately, development for this version of the game was halted years ago and a quick search for Hawkmoon over there shows that this card has been broken for a long time.


Thank you for the info.

Please forgive me if I am reporting this in the wrong area. Point me to the right spot, and I will gladly repost there.

I am playing PF adventure card game on the iPad, and received the Song of Hawkmoon spell, which should be awesome, but has absolutely no effect. The difficulty is not reduced, and the die roll options don't change. The game only lets me play it on human challenges, so yes, I am playing it on cards with the human keyword.

Sad this awesome card is a bust!

Lima Beans wrote:

Thanks for responding Brandon!

Also great art in the module, going to try and re-use as much of it as possible for my players, which will take a little photoshopping on the maps to hide some of the DM notes, but should be worth it.

Hey Lima,

Did you ever run this module? Any after action thoughts? I plan on running this soon and would like to hear your tips. Did you ever edit the maps for use as handouts? I would love to get copies of those if you've posted them somewhere.
