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Organized Play Member. 4 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 3 Organized Play characters.


Liberty's Edge

Hama wrote:
Nemitri wrote:
This argument reminds me of Gandalf in that riddle, he tired every freaking word (because he is smart) yet could not figure out the correct one. Because he was smart he was thinking in a grand scale, yet Frodo kind of got the riddle right (I'm not sure if Frodo was supposed to be smart anyways). Kind of ironic now that you think about it XD.
Nope. They all just sat around until Gandalf remembered to simply say mellon.

Double nope. Gandalf was too smart to interpret it literally. All of his intelligence and wisdom were actually a hindrance in this case. It wasn't until Frodo interepreted the riddle literally; and asked Gandalf what the translation was, that the riddle was solved.

Hence the riddle wasnt solved by the semi-devine ancient genius of Gandalf, he only contributed what he could to the group as a whole. This is actually a perfect almost made-to-order example of exactly what is being discussed.

Liberty's Edge

Thanks everyone for referring me to the Line of Effect rules. I wasn't whining about not being able to do it, I just wanted an definitive answer as to why it couldn't be done, and I got it. Also, the barbarian was completely engulfed by the time I attempted to levitate him, so there was no chance of him not being completely engulfed yet.

Liberty's Edge

Drejk wrote:

I agree that it could be sensible tactic - however, in case of levitation I would say that it's pull is quite weak and granted a big bonus to the cube's CMD against such attempt. Or maybe made it an opposed check against cube's CMB with a penalty to caster's check.

The weight restriction of levitate is actually 100 lbs/level. As a lvl.5 wizard, that would be 500 lbs. That should be more than sufficie nt to lift a lightly armored barbarian, who probably wouldn't wiegh more than 350 lbs including equipment.

There's no such thing as a push/pull table in Pathfinder, but if there was I would argue that the weight capacity of the spell would actually add to the roll against the cube's CMD. But as it is, there is a caster level roll, which I feel accurately represents the spell's weight limit.

Liberty's Edge

I have a question, last weekend I was playing in a PFS game, and several party members were engulfed by a gelatinous cube. With my wizard, I attempted to levitate our barbarian out of the gelatinous cube.
The DM ruled that it wasn't allowed, so I left it at that. I understand that on top of being paralysed, the subject of the cube's engulf also gains the pinned condition.
I just feel that if the subject was able to willingly accept the levitation, then shouldn't my wizard have been able to at least roll a caster check against the CMD of the cube? That's what I would have ruled in my home game, if it had ever come up.