storoff's page

** Pathfinder Society GM. 6 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 29 Organized Play characters.


ok thank you Mysterious stranger and Fromper

So i had a recent disagreement with a gm in a home game does a empyrial lord count as the deity for a paladin?

hopfully sooner then later i have a pfs character benched currently because of there being no errata

Jiggy has it right for pfs there seems to be be no clear answer to how bloodline powers would work from it and the new book says nothing for pfs on it, it only stats rules on home game. I would asume sorcerer but that risk me losing the time and effort in my char if its wrong

Need to know the effects on bloodlines when prestiged into dragon disciple for pfs cant find it anywhere. Some help would be very gratfull.

Been waiting for a month why hasnt this shipped yet