steve steve 983's page

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Renegadeshepherd wrote:
Alchemist with that has increased strength bonus to mutagen +4, urban barb +4, belt +6, 20 starting, +2 for levels. So 36 is reasonable. Anything more than that we need to get into eldritch heritage and spells. Dragon disciple and eldritch heritage could increase it to about 50. Though honestly you can go higher than that.

how would the DD help that??


It does sound good though :P

How high could I get my Str score as a no caster class at level 8 - 12?

I was thinking it might be like 28 -32 ish....

items and everything aloud caster can help yeah but i was more or less looking for a the no caster class for it.

Your help is most welcomed 8D

I saw some references from season 0 and that it replaces domains with d10 and full bab.

If you do an everything search on Paizo militant cleric pops up. But it never gets stated what book it is from. As far as I can see.

Which book is it from? I've seen it talked about but not from where... Any help would be welcomed 8D


Apparently i doubled posted....

I was looking, but can't remember, a feat or spell or something that recalls a item or creature charmed by you to you.....

Anyone have any idea of what it may be called?

Would you have him as a Teifling? or half orc?

But Magus or eldritch knight works great for him.

Kurthnaga wrote:

The closest thing I could find was the Opportunist rogue advanced talent, which allows you to gain an attack of opportunity once per round whenever an ally hits an opponent with a melee attack.

Pin Down allows you to attack anyone five foot stepping or withdrawing from you if you count for fighter levels.

Those are the two closest things I could find after a quick search. Do you have anything else to go on?

I just vaguely remember it being as describe up top there and reading it on elder wyrm brother nimh ratfolk build.

But the site is down and i can't remember what the feat or talent was called.


It is a feat that is triggered when you hit with a sneak attack and it basically gives an ally a AoO.

Harrison wrote:
"A bonded object can be used once per day to cast any one spell that the wizard has in his spellbook and is capable of casting..."

This is the important part. The bonded object is what is used to cast the spell, not you, thus you need the bonded object in your possession in order to cast the spell.

Think of the bonded object, in this case, like a wand. In order to cast a spell from a wand, you need to have the wand in hand when you want to cast it. If it's not in hand, you can't cast the spell.

Also Thanks 8D

rossable wrote:
to make things more clear, only intelligent items can cast on their own outside of your possession. anything else that has similar exception will state it in the description.

Thanks 8D

Dude as much as I like your response!(edited)We are talking about magic though and that's what I am wondering about?

I just wanted to know does it have to be in your possession or not really I guess.

There is no GM really atm we were just wondering how it would be handled. :)

rossable wrote:

i am guessing you are referring to the once a day spell cast by the object?

"A bonded object can be used once per day to cast any one spell that the wizard has in his spellbook and is capable of casting, even if the spell is not prepared. This spell is treated like any other spell cast by the wizard, including casting time, duration, and other effects dependent on the wizard's level. This spell cannot be modified by metamagic feats or other abilities. The bonded object cannot be used to cast spells from the wizard's opposition schools (see arcane school)."

seems clear, though as a GM would probably rule that you couldn't use it if you weren't in possession of it. it's not specified so depending on GM you may get by with just a concentration check. nearly all spell items do need to be in the caster's possession to be used. i see this as being understood but not stated.

Yeah that not stated is the problem with my table :(

Very simple question!

Do I need the object in my position to cast said unprepared spell?


Do I just make a concentration check?

Eoxyn wrote:
Your Arcane Bond lets you cast a spell without preparation.

whoa didn't even think of that? would that qualify?

I was wondering does spell mastery count for the pre rec for a wizard?

If not then how would a wizard get into Dragon disciple?

Damn :( I was hoping to find some references to German troops to use.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Which war was the pathfinder Rasputin must die based in?

and are there any German troops in them?

Hopefully it is up soon i was gonna buy it 8D

Changing Man wrote:
steve steve 983 wrote:
I CAN FIND IT >.< could i get some help ?
I assume you mean to say, you cannot find it. It is likely you missed Little Red Goblin Games' post regarding their products being temporarily unavailable. They should be back again sometime soon.

Yes that's what i meant :P sorry and thank you for the correction and for the update. 8D

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Little Red Goblin Games wrote:

Dragon Tiger Ox

Our Wuxia/Ancient Chinese sourcebook for Pathfinder just went live this morning/last night at about 2 am.
It's got over 160 pages of martial arts goodness including over 130 new feats and about a dozen new martial arts styles.
This is our 2nd Kickstarter backed project and we would like to thank everyone who backed us on this fantastic book.
Backers should have a copy in their email and for those who didn't back us you can pick it up on DriveThruRPG .

I CAN FIND IT >.< could i get some help ?

True :P

damn that sorta ruins the idea of a rage filled tree :P:P

haha did not know :P

The question is for a npcs boss monster.

it is a treant barbarian 8.

how many feats would it have?

NOOOOO post lost! :P

Hey I don't know if I was high or just cant remember what it is called!

but what is the spell name for a spell that increase the threat range of a hammer or other bludgeoning weapon?

Why not use the sleepless detective?

Sleepless detective!!!!!!! lol

Cool thx for the info!

So I was reading some paizo stuff and read some s+#& about orcus. I was wondering what is he fighting for his civil war? I know it is thanatotics but there was hints of something also beyond them as well.

I was just wondering what are peoples general though on this was.

O sweet! thx guys! I just saw the other day and was like f!$@ I cant back it. like last week was the other day

Which looks really awesome too(dragon tiger ox) im totes gonna be adding this to my get list. THANKS

but now i am looking at that one now ;P

No, it is from Rite publishing i believe they had a kick starter for it like a couple years ago.

I have just come across this the other day but I can't find it any where. Did it come out or what?

Cool one says when you use a attack action and the other say standard action. It is just a little confusing 8D

Can I use vital strike and one finger, from champion of irori, at the same time?

The martial artist archtype replaces still mind with pain points. Does that make him no longer qualify for the champion of the enlightened prestige class?

:P lol sounds good


so no more?

should I go for the wizard archetype?

magic trap to create the steam (burning hands and create water trap that automatically resets every round cost about 8750 gp also could add alchemical to the trap?) and it can be the alchemical trap

it really visible and doesn't hit people very well but can heat water and what not and is hard to disable.

hrmm :P

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