Kurthnaga wrote:
I just vaguely remember it being as describe up top there and reading it on elder wyrm brother nimh ratfolk build. But the site is down and i can't remember what the feat or talent was called.
Harrison wrote:
Also Thanks 8D
rossable wrote:
Yeah that not stated is the problem with my table :(
Changing Man wrote:
Yes that's what i meant :P sorry and thank you for the correction and for the update. 8D
Little Red Goblin Games wrote:
I CAN FIND IT >.< could i get some help ?
magic trap to create the steam (burning hands and create water trap that automatically resets every round cost about 8750 gp also could add alchemical to the trap?) and it can be the alchemical trap it really visible and doesn't hit people very well but can heat water and what not and is hard to disable.