
steve Arnold's page

***** Pathfinder Society GM. 12 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 15 Organized Play characters.


Grand Lodge

Would a Limited wish bring one back? Or a wish?

Grand Lodge 4/5

Grats dude, your a damn good GM.

I had a blast playing the Ruby Phoenix Tournament with you :-)

Grand Lodge

My PFS bloodrager I'm in the process of leveling now.

Demon-spawn Tiefling Bloodrager (Bloodline: Abyssal) (alternate racial traits: Frindish Sprinter, Maw)
STR 16 (14 + 2)
DEX 13
CON 16
INT 8 (10 - 2)
WIS 10
CHA 14 (12 + 2)

Traits: Armor Expert, Focused Mind
01:(Fast Movement) (Bloodrage) (Bloodline Power: Claws) Armor of the Pit
02:(Uncanny Dodge)
03: Raging Vitality
04: Dex:14 (Bloodline Power: Demonic Bulk) (Bloodcasting)
05:(Improved Uncanny Dodge) Combat Casting
06:(Power Attack)
07:(Bloodline Spell: Cause Fear) (Damage Reduction 1/-) Rending Claws
08: Dex:15 (Bloodline Power: Demonic Resistance)
09:(Improved Bull Rush) Combat Reflexes
10:(Bloodline Spell: Bull Strength) (Damage Reduction 2/-)
11:(Greater Bloodrage) Stand Still
12: Dex:16 (Cleave) (Bloodline Power: Abyssal Bloodrage)

Grand Lodge

Rysky wrote:
steve Arnold wrote:
Does Bloodrage count as rage for purposes of Feats that require rage class feature?

Has this been stated officially? :-)

Grand Lodge

Does Bloodrage count as rage for purposes of Feats that require rage class feature?

Grand Lodge

Like a kid with a magnifying glass, watchen us squerm

Grand Lodge

For now anyway :P

Grand Lodge

hehe indeed but Nate's link still goes somewhere

Grand Lodge

Hey Calybos :-)

It was an active link but it's dean now,

Check out nate lange's post a little ways up

Grand Lodge

hahaha and it's gone..

Grand Lodge

I hate waiting!!

Grand Lodge

It's Weird that I came across this I've been working on a this build myself

Human (Duel Talent alternate racial traits)
STR 16 (14 + 2)
DEX 14
CON 16 (14 + 2)
INT 10
WIS 14
CHA 10

Traits: Anatomist, Obervant (perception)
01: Barbarian 1 [Urban] [Controlled Rage] Extra Rage
02: Monk 1 [Martial Artist] [Dodge] [Improved Unarmed Strike] [Stunning Fist]
03: Monk 2 [Evasion] [Combat Reflexes] Power Attack
04: Monk 3 STR 17
05: Monk 4 [Exploit Weakness] [Martial Arts Master] Weapon Focus: Temple Sword
06: Monk 5 [Extreme Endurance: Fatigue]
07: Monk 6 [Improved Grapple] Weapon Specialization: Temple Sword
08: Monk 7 STR 18
09: Monk 8 Extra Rage
10: Monk 9 [Improved Evasion]
11: Monk 10 [Extreme Endurance: Exhaustion] [Spring Attack] Improved Critical: Temple Sword
12: Monk 11 STR 19