Sajan Gadadvara

spazz451's page

1 post. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.


In short, yes, I (and quite possibly my wife) would like to join you. She's done DnD 3.5 which is close enough to PF. I've ran the gambit of DnD along with a smattering of Shadowrun, some White Wolf, and other random systems.

Unfortunately we are currently too busy with other obligations. We hope to get back into things ourselves after our second child arrives - she plans to stay hope so that should open up our schedule a bit. Although that is still about 6mo out.

But I saw this post and thought I'd mention that there are people out there looking to game. There are a couple groups out on Meetup that get together at times. One Meetup includes people that get together at one of the public libraries and some campaigns under that group gather at local residencies.